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已有 1037 次阅读2014-10-7 15:46 | Cheap

100k in drugs and cash

The checkpoint was set up on St John's Road West near Heuston Station at 10pm on Saturday,Ralph Lauren Polo Outlet.

Gardai were checking for drink drivers and had asked the driver of the car,Cheap Polo Shirts, chosen at random from the passing traffic, to give a breath sample.

But when a garda from the Dublin Regional Traffic Department leaned down to issue the driver with instructions on how to use the testing device they detected the distinctive strong aroma of cannabis from the car,Ralph Lauren Polo.

They then searched the car under the Misuse of Drugs Act and found what gardai described as a "medium sized bag of what appeared to be cannabis",Cheap Polo Shirts.

The driver,Cheap Polo Shirts, an Irishman in his 30s,Polo Outlet, was arrested at the scene and taken to Kilmainham Garda station to be questioned under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act.

Gardai then decided to search the man's house at his address in Prosperous Co Kildare,Ralph Lauren Polo.

Members of the force from the Dublin Metropolitan Regional Traffic Division, assisted by local gardai from Naas and Clane in Co Kildare, searched the house in the early hours of yesterday.

It was during this search that gardai uncovered a cannabis cultivation operation yielding a quantity of cannabis plant and herb with a potential street value of approximately 60,Ralph Lauren Polo Outlet,000.

The search also discovered 30,Ralph Lauren Polo Outlet,000 in cash.

"It was a lucky break for gardai who were trying to weed out drunk drivers and ended up stumbling across a lucrative cannabis growing and supply operation," said a source.

The seizure in Prosperous is not the first time a cannabis growing operation has been discovered by accident,Cheap Polo Shirts.

In April of last year firefighters tackling a blaze in a house on Tyrconnell Street, off Tyrconnell Road in Inchicore, stumbled upon a massive cannabis growing operation when they forced their way into a neighbouring property to make sure nobody in the house had been injured.

Gardai seized 98 cannabis plants, worth just under 100,Ralph Lauren Polo Outlet,000,Ralph Lauren Polo Outlet, in that find.

Meanwhile,Ralph Lauren Polo, two people who were arrested after a separate 5.1m cannabis seizure in the car park of the IKEA store on Friday have been released without charge. A file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions

Five people were arrested after the garda operation,Polo Outlet.

Two were being detained at Finglas Garda Station last night, and one at Ballymun Garda Station.

Officers from the national drugs unit recovered the drugs, with a street value of around 5.4m, after they intercepted what they believed to be a handover of the shipment in the car park.

It brings the total amount of drugs seized by gardai to more than 16,Ralph Lauren Polo Outlet.5m in the past month.

The latest seizure follows a big intelligence gathering operation mounted by the national unit into the activities of a south county Dublin gang with overseas contacts.

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