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《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》

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《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》
Daniel J. Inman
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Charles R. Farrar
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Vicente Lopes Junior
Universidade Estadual de Sa˜o Paulo, SP, Brazil
Valder Steffen Junior
Federal University of Uberlaˆndia, Brazil

《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》

《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》

《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》

《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》

《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》

《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》

《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》

《Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems》

List of Contributors xi
Preface xviii
1 An Introduction to Damage Prognosis 1
C.R. Farrar, N.A.J. Lieven and M.T. Bement
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Damage-Prognosis Solution Process 4
1.3 Motivation for Damage-Prognosis Solutions 8
1.4 Disciplines Needed to Address Damage Prognosis 11
1.5 Summary 11
References 12
Part I Damage Models 13
2 An Overview of Modeling Damage Evolution in Materials 15
T.O. Williams and I.J. Beyerlein
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Overview of General Modeling Issues 17
2.3 Characterization of Material Behavior: Damage Initiation
and Evolution 23
2.4 Material Modeling: General Considerations and Preliminary
Concepts 26
2.5 Classical Damage-Modeling Approaches 29
2.6 Phenomenological Constitutive Modeling 35
2.7 Micromechanical Modeling of Materials 37
2.8 Summary 55
References 56
3 In Situ Observation of Damage Evolution and Fracture Toughness
Measurement by SEM 61
J.E.P. Ipin˜a and A.A. Yawny
3.1 Overview of Fracture Mechanics Related to Damage Prognosis 61
3.2 In Situ Observation of Damage Evolution and Fracture Toughness
Measurement 64
3.3 Concluding remarks 73
Acknowledgements 73
References 73
4 Predictive Modeling of Crack Propagation Using the Boundary
Element Method 75
P. Sollero
4.1 Introduction 75
4.2 Damage and Fracture Mechanics Theories 77
4.3 Boundary Element Fracture Mechanics 81
4.4 Predictive Modeling of Crack Propagation 84
4.5 Numerical Results 86
4.6 Conclusions 88
Acknowledgments 89
References 89
5 On Friction Induced Nonideal Vibrations: A Source of Fatigue 91
J.M. Balthazar and B.R. Pontes
5.1 Preliminary Remarks 91
5.2 Nonlinear Dynamics of Ideal and Nonideal Stick–Slip Vibrations 97
5.3 Switching Control for Ideal and Nonideal
Stick–Slip Vibrations 103
5.4 Some Concluding Remarks 107
Acknowledgments 108
References 108
6 Incorporating and Updating of Damping in Finite Element Modeling 111
J.A. Pereira and R.M. Doi
6.1 Introduction 111
6.2 Theoretical Fundamentals 112
6.3 Application 118
6.4 Conclusion 128
References 128
Part II Monitoring Algorithms 131
7 Model-Based Inverse Problems in Structural Dynamics 133
V. Steffen Jr and D.A. Rade
7.1 Introduction 133
7.2 Theory of Discrete Vibrating Systems 134
7.3 Response Sensitivity 139
7.4 Finite-Element Model Updating 142
7.5 Review of Classical Optimization Techniques 149
7.6 Heuristic Optimization Methods 151
7.7 Multicriteria Optimization 155
7.8 General Optimization Scheme for Inverse Problems in Engineering 156
7.9 Applications 157
Acknowledgments 173
References 173
8 Structural Health Monitoring Algorithms for Smart Structures 177
V. Lopes Jr and S. da Silva
8.1 Initial Considerations about SHM 177
8.2 Optimal Placement of Sensors and Actuators for Smart Structures 179
8.3 Proposed Methodology 186
8.4 Artificial Neural Network as a SHM Algorithm 188
8.5 Genetic Algorithms as a SHM Algorithm 194
8.6 Conclusion 197
References 198
9 Uncertainty Quantification and the Verification and Validation of
Computational Models 201
F.M. Hemez
9.1 Introduction 201
9.2 Verification Activities 202
9.3 Validation Activities 207
9.4 Uncertainty Quantification 212
9.5 Assessment of Prediction Accuracy 214
9.6 Conclusion 217
References 218
10 Reliability Methods 221
A. Robertson and F.M. Hemez
10.1 Introduction 221
10.2 Reliability Assessment 222
10.3 Approximation of the Probability of Failure 227
10.4 Decision Making 231
10.5 Summary 233
References 234
11 Lamb-Wave Based Structural Health Monitoring 235
A. Raghavan and C.E.S. Cesnik
11.1 Introduction 235
11.2 Fundamentals of Elastic Wave Propagation 237
11.3 Application of Lamb-Wave Formulation to SHM 251
11.4 Epilogue 256
References 257
12 Structural Energy Flow Techniques 259
J.R. de F. Arruda
12.1 Introduction 259
12.2 Power and Intensity Concepts 260
12.3 Experimental Power Flow Techniques 263
12.4 Spatial Filtering for Fault Detection 267
12.5 Acoustical Measurements as a Tool for Fault Detection 268
12.6 Detecting Nonlinearity with Special Excitation Signals 269
12.7 Frequency Limits of Numerical Modeling Techniques – The
Midfrequency Problem 270
References 272
13 Impedance-Based Structural Health Monitoring 275
G. Park and D.J. Inman
13.1 Introduction 275
13.2 Electro-Mechanical Principle 276
13.3 Parameters of the Technique 277
13.4 Comparisons with Other Damage Identification Approaches 280
13.5 Proof-of-Concept Applications 282
13.6 Health Assessment of Pipeline Structures 282
13.7 Analysis of a Quarter Scale Bridge Section 287
13.8 Summary 290
References 291
14 Statistical Pattern Recognition Paradigm Applied to Defect Detection
in Composite Plates 293
H. Sohn
14.1 Introduction 293
14.2 Statistical Pattern Recognition Paradigm 294
14.3 Experimental Results 301
14.4 Summary and Discussion 302
Acknowledgments 302
References 302
Part III Hardware 305
15 Sensing and Data Acquisition Issues for Damage Prognosis 307
C.R. Farrar, P.J. Cornwell, N.F. Hunter and N.A.J. Lieven
15.1 Introduction 307
15.2 Sensing and Data Acquisition Strategies for Damage Prognosis 308
15.3 Instrumentation: Conceptual Challenges 310
15.4 Summary: Sensing and Data Acquisition 320
References 321
16 Design of Active Structural Health Monitoring Systems for Aircraft
and Spacecraft Structures 323
F.-K. Chang, J.-B. Ihn and E. Blaise
16.1 Introduction 323
16.2 Active Sensor Network for Structural-Health Monitoring Systems 325
16.3 Diagnostic Software 331
16.4 Validation of the Active SHM System 336
16.5 Conclusions 339
Acknowledgments 340
References 340
17 Optical-Based Sensing 343
M.D. Todd
17.1 Overview and Scope of Chapter 343
17.2 Basic Optics Concepts 343
17.3 Primary Fiber Optic Sensing Approaches for Structural
Measurements 346
17.4 Summary 359
Acknowledgements 360
References 360
Part IV Applications 363
18 Prognosis Applications and Examples 365
D.E. Adams
18.1 Introduction 365
18.2 Applications 367
18.3 Conclusions 382
Acknowledgments 382
References 383
19 Prognosis of Rotating Machinery Components 385
M.J. Roemer, G.J. Kacpryznski, R.F. Orsagh and
B.R. Marshall
19.1 Introduction 385
19.2 Bearing Prognosis Framework 386
19.3 Model-Based Analysis for Prognosis 392
19.4 Bearing Prognosis Discussion 401
19.5 Gear Prognosis Framework 402
19.6 Bearing and Gear Prognosis Module Discussion 413
19.7 Utilization of Prognosis Information in Navy ICAS System 414
References 419
20 Application of Simplified Statistical Models in Hydro Generating
Unit Health Monitoring 421
G.C. Brito Jr
20.1 Introduction 421
20.2 Influences of the Environment and Operating Conditions
in the Behavior of the Generating Units 423
20.3 Statistical Models for Structural Health Monitoring 428
20.4 Concluding Remarks 432
20.5 Terminology 432
References 433
Index 435


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