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《Handbook of Space Law》

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《Handbook of Space Law》
Frans von der Dunk
Harvey and Susan Perlman Alumni/Othmer Professor of
Space Law, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA and
Director, Black Holes B.V., Leiden, the Netherlands
Fabio Tronchetti
Associate Professor, School of Law, Harbin Institute of
Technology, People’s Republic of China

《Handbook of Space Law》

《Handbook of Space Law》

《Handbook of Space Law》

《Handbook of Space Law》

《Handbook of Space Law》

《Handbook of Space Law》

《Handbook of Space Law》

《Handbook of Space Law》

List of figures xi
List of tables xii
List of contributors xiii
Foreword xx
Preface xxiv
List of abbreviations xxxi
1. The background and history of space law 1
Peter Jankowitsch
1.1 Apolitical overview 1
1.2 Space lawand the newmajority in the United Nations 9
1.3 Space lawand the United Nations 10
1.4 Space lawand space arms control 14
1.5 Newbranches of space law:An unfinished history 20
1.6 The future of space law 26
2. International space law 29
Frans von der Dunk
2.1 Introduction 29
2.2 The key characteristics of international space law 37
2.3 The core substance of international space law: TheUN
space treaties 49
2.4 Beyond the core of international space law 106
2.5 Concluding remarks 125
3. National space law 127
Irmgard Marboe
3.1 Introduction 127
3.2 International lawrequirements 130
3.3 Examples of national space laws 139
3.4 International initiatives 179
3.5 Conclusion 184
4. European space law 205
Frans von der Dunk
4.1 Introduction 205
4.2 Operational integration of space activities: The European
space organizations 208
4.3 Regulatory integration of space activities: The European
Community/Union 239
4.4 The convergence of the European SpaceAgency and
European Union 251
4.5 Concluding remarks 267
5. International organizations in space law 269
Frans von der Dunk
5.1 Introduction: Intergovernmental organizations and outer
space 269
5.2 Regulatory intergovernmental organizations and outer
space:Asurvey 271
5.3 Operational intergovernmental organizations and outer
space:An introduction 282
5.4 INTELSAT 283
5.5 INMARSAT 290
5.6 EUTELSAT 295
5.8 ARABSAT 305
5.9 IGO involvement in space law:Alegal assessment 307
5.10 Satellite communication IGO privatization:Alegal
assessment 317
5.11 Concluding remarks 329
6. Legal aspects of the military uses of outer space 331
Fabio Tronchetti
6.1 Introduction 331
6.2 Militarization versus weaponization of outer space 333
6.3 The legal framework regulating military uses of outer
space: TheUNspace treaties 334
6.4 The legal framework regulating military uses of outer
space: Other relevant international regimes 342
6.5 The legal framework regulating military uses of outer
space: General public international law 350
6.6 Other legal regimes affecting military activities in outer
space 359
vi Handbook of space law
6.7 Recent developments 377
6.8 Conclusion 381
7. Legal aspects of launch services and space transportation 382
Peter van Fenema
7.1 Introduction 382
7.2 The main categories of actors and their relevance from
a legal perspective 384
7.3 The existing regulatory framework 403
7.4 Legal aspects of launch safety and space traffic management 405
7.5 Legal aspects of market access and competition issues 417
7.6 Conclusion 452
8. Legal aspects of satellite communications 456
Frans von der Dunk
8.1 Introduction: The definitional issues 456
8.2 The ITU regime and satellite communications 458
8.3 TheUN‘regime’on direct broadcasting by satellite 493
8.4 Concluding remarks 500
9. Legal aspects of satellite remote sensing 501
Fabio Tronchetti
9.1 Introduction 501
9.2 Remote sensing from space: Characteristics and
applications 502
9.3 The evolution of remote sensing activities 505
9.4 The legal framework for remote sensing activities 513
9.5 Conclusion 553
10. Legal aspects of satellite navigation 554
Lesley Jane Smith
10.1 Introduction 554
10.2 The current GNSS systems 556
10.3 Legal aspects of the use of GNSS in the transport sector 577
10.4 Regional and national GNSS: Legal aspects 594
10.5 Alternative heads of liability: Certification and
augmentation 599
10.6 Civil aviation: Liability for navigational aids and
development of CNS/ATMsystems 602
10.7 GNSS and the maritime transport sector 607
10.8 The road sector and autonomous driving systems 610
10.9 GNSS in the context of the rail transport sector 613
Contents vii
10.10 Feasibility of a UNIDROIT GNSS Convention 614
10.11 Conclusion 615
11. Legal aspects of public manned spaceflight and space station
operations 618
Carla Sharpe and Fabio Tronchetti
11.1 Introduction 618
11.2 From single-state space stations to the International Space
Station 620
11.3 The legal framework regulating ISS activities 626
11.4 The legal framework regulating ISS activities 638
11.5 Military uses of the International Space Station 653
11.6 The future of the International Space Station 657
11.7 Conclusion: The International Space Station as a model for
future cooperation in space activities? 659
12. Legal aspects of private manned spaceflight 662
Frans von der Dunk
12.1 Introduction 662
12.2 The key definitional issues 666
12.3 Legal issues of private sub-orbital manned spaceflight 672
12.4 Legal issues of private orbital manned spaceflight 697
12.5 Legal issues of both sub-orbital and orbital private
manned spaceflight 708
12.6 Concluding remarks 715
13. Environmental aspects of space activities 717
13.1 Introduction 717
13.2 Environmental hazards 719
13.3 Space lawfrom an environmental perspective 725
13.4 Theway forward 756
13.5 Conclusion 765
14. Legal aspects of space resource utilization 769
Fabio Tronchetti
14.1 Introduction 769
14.2 The (natural) resources of the moon and other celestial
bodies 771
14.3 Extraterrestrial mining: Where do we stand now? 772
viii Handbook of space law
14.4 The legal status of celestial bodies and extraterrestrial
natural resources 777
14.5 International seabed mining 792
14.6 The use of the geostationary orbit 798
14.7 Mineral activities in Antarctica 803
14.8 Alegal regime for the exploitation of extraterrestrial
natural resources 809
14.9 Conclusion 812
15. International trade aspects of space services 814
Frans von der Dunk
15.1 Introduction: The development of an international trade
regime 814
15.2 The general aspects of theGATT,GATS andWTOregimes 818
15.3 Launch services: International trade regime issues 836
15.4 The international trade regime for satellite communications 843
15.5 Prospective candidates for application of theGATS/WTO
regime? 853
15.6 Concluding remarks 872
16. Financing space ventures 874
Mark Sundahl
16.1 Introduction 874
16.2 The nature and challenges of financing space ventures 876
16.3 Secured transactions under Article 9 of the Uniform
Commercial Code 882
16.4 The UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in
Mobile Equipment and the Space Assets Protocol 887
17. Insurance in the context of space activities 910
Cécile Gaubert
17.1 Introduction 910
17.2 Third-party liability insurance 912
17.3 Property damage insurance 930
17.4 Space debris in the context of insurance 937
17.5 Astronauts’insurance 941
17.6 The role of the insurance broker 943
17.7 Conclusion 944
18. Intellectual property rights in the context of space activities 949
Catherine Doldirina
18.1 Introduction 949
Contents ix
18.2 Copyright 952
18.3 Patent 972
18.4 Conclusions 989
19. Dispute resolution regarding space activities 995
19.1 The background – the lawin force: Public international
law/space law 995
19.2 The landmarks and precedents for progressive
development of the law 1014
19.3 Redesigning the system: The indispensable reform 1031
19.4 The conclusions so far: Sparkles of hope 1045
Index 1047


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Good book

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good book

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