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《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive...

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《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive Damage Modelling》
编辑:C. Soutis and P. W. R. Beaumont

《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive Damage Modelling》

《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive Damage Modelling》

《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive Damage Modelling》

《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive Damage Modelling》

《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive Damage Modelling》

《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive Damage Modelling》

《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive Damage Modelling》

《Multi-Scale Modelling of Composite Material Systems: The Art of Predictive Damage Modelling》

Contributor contact details xi
Preface xv
1 Molecular modelling of composite matrix properties 1
F R JONES, University of Sheffield, UK
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Group interaction modelling for the prediction of polymer
properties 3
1.3 Applying group interaction modelling to polymer matrix
composites 8
1.4 Conclusions 31
1.5 Acknowledgements 31
1.6 References 31
2 Interfacial damage modelling of composites 33
C GALIOTIS, University of Patras, Greece and A PAIPETIS, Hellenic
Naval Academy, Greece
2.1 Introduction: definition of the interface 33
2.2 The interface and composite properties 35
2.3 Analytical modelling of the shear transfer 37
2.4 Interfacial damage modelling 46
2.5 Experimental measurement of the stress field at the interface 48
2.6 Modelling of the experimentally measured stress transfer 52
2.7 Overview and conclusions 60
2.8 References 62
3 Multi-scale predictive modelling of cracking in
laminate composites 65
L N MCCARTNEY, National Physical Laboratory, UK
3.1 Introduction 65
3.2 Predicting undamaged ply properties 66
3.3 Undamaged laminate properties 69
3.4 Prediction of ply cracking in laminates 73
3.5 Prediction of laminate failure 84
3.6 Future trends 94
3.7 References 96
4 Modelling the strength of fibre-reinforced composites 99
B FIEDLER, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany,
S OCHIAI, Kyoto University, Japan and K SCHULTE, Technical
University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
4.1 Introduction 99
4.2 Mechanical and thermal response of the polymer matrix 100
4.3 Modelling first ply failure by FEA using the partial
discretisation approach 104
4.4 Stress-strain response and fracture morphology in UD
composites 110
4.5 Conclusions 120
4.6 Future trends 121
4.7 Further reading 121
4.8 References 121
5 Cracking models 124
P W R BEAUMONT, University of Cambridge, UK and H SEKINE,
Tohoku University, Japan
5.1 Introduction 124
5.2 Empirical and physical modelling 124
5.3 Choosing between continuum and physical modelling 128
5.4 Combining empirical and physical models 130
5.5 Modelling fatigue cracking by delamination 134
5.6 Modelling coupled mechanisms in composite cracking 138
5.7 Cracking at stress concentrators 159
5.8 Bridging cracks: de-bonding’s critical role 169
5.9 Modelling stress-corrosion cracking 179
5.10 Model implementation 189
5.11 Conclusions 190
5.12 Acknowledgements 191
5.13 References 191
6 Multi-scale modelling of cracking in cross-ply
laminates 196
V V SILBERSCHMIDT, Loughborough University, UK
6.1 Introduction 196
6.2 Microstructural randomness of cross-ply laminates 197
vi Contents
6.3 Damage accumulation 205
6.4 Multi-scale modelling 206
6.5 Future trends 213
6.6 Further information 213
6.7 References 214
7 Modelling damage in laminate composites 217
M KASHTALYAN, University of Aberdeen, UK and C SOUTIS,
The University of Sheffield, UK
7.1 Introduction 217
7.2 Stress analysis 226
7.3 Predicting stiffness degradation due to intra- and
interlaminar damage 232
7.4 Predicting onset and growth of intra- and interlaminar
damage 240
7.5 Conclusions 249
7.6 Acknowledgements 250
7.7 References 250
7.8 Appendices 256
8 Progressive multi-scale modelling of composite
laminates 259
C H WANG, Defence Science and Technology Organization,
8.1 Introduction 259
8.2 Brief review of failure theories of fibre composites 260
8.3 Multi-scale failure theory 261
8.4 Phase degradation approach 266
8.5 Validation of analysis against experiment 267
8.6 Conclusion 273
8.7 References 274
8.8 Appendices 275
9 Predicting fracture of laminated composites 278
I GUZ, University of Aberdeen, UK and C SOUTIS, University of
Sheffield, UK
9.1 Introduction: modelling the compressive response of
laminate composites 278
9.2 Developing compression models for laminates 283
9.3 Identifying critical loads 287
9.4 Conclusions 299
9.5 References 300
Contents vii
10 Modelling the compressive response behaviour of
monolithic and sandwich composite structures 303
C SOUTIS, University of Sheffield, UK, S SPEARING, University of
Southampton, UK and P CURTIS, Integrated Systems, UK
10.1 Introduction 303
10.2 Modelling techniques 304
10.3 Predicting compressive response 309
10.4 Conclusions 316
10.5 References 317
11 Modelling composite reinforcement by stitching
and z-pinning 319
X SUN, H-Y LIU, W YAN, L TONG and Y-W MAI, the University of
Sydney, Australia
11.1 Introduction 319
11.2 Micro-scale models for stitching and z-pinning 321
11.3 Assessment of macro-scale delamination toughness of
reinforced composites 334
11.4 Conclusions 350
11.5 Acknowledgements 353
11.6 References 353
12 Finite element modelling of brittle matrix composites 356
V CANNILLO, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, and
A R BOCCACCINI, Imperial College London, UK
12.1 Introduction 356
12.2 Numerical approaches: the finite element method (FEM) 357
12.3 Standard FEM analysis for fibre-composite materials 359
12.4 Microstructure-based modelling 359
12.5 Applications and examples 365
12.6 Future developments 369
12.7 Acknowledgements 370
12.8 References 370
13 Wear modelling of polymer composites 374
K FRIEDRICH, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, K VÁRADI,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, and
Z ZHANG, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
13.1 Introduction 374
13.2 Rule-of-mixtures-approaches to wear of
multi-component materials 374
13.3 Wear in relation to other mechanical properties 382
viii Contents
13.4 Finite element modelling of composite wear mechanisms 388
13.5 Conclusions 398
13.6 Acknowledgements 398
13.7 References 399
14 Modelling impact damage in composite structural
elements 401
A F JOHNSON, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Stuttgart
14.1 Introduction 401
14.2 Meso-scale ply damage models 403
14.3 Delamination modelling 411
14.4 Prediction of impact damage in composite structures 415
14.5 Conclusions and future outlook 425
14.6 Further information 427
14.7 References 428
15 Modelling structural damage using elastic
wave-based techniques 430
Z SU and L YE, The University of Sydney, Australia
15.1 Introduction 430
15.2 Fundamentals 433
15.3 Models of an active sensor network 445
15.4 Lamb wave scattering in defective CF/EP composite
laminates 451
15.5 Conclusions 465
15.6 References 465
16 Modelling the fatigue behaviour of bonded joints in
composite materials 469
M QUARESIMIN, University of Padova, Italy
16.1 Introduction 469
16.2 Experimental investigation 471
16.3 Finite element analysis of SIF and SERR 478
16.4 Fatigue life modelling 485
16.5 Conclusions 489
16.6 Acknowledgements 491
16.7 References 491
Index 495


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