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《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

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《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》
作者:Pasquale M. Sforza
University of Florida

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

《Theory of Aerospace Propulsion》

Chapter 1. Idealized Flow Machines
1.1. Conservation Equations
1.2. Flow Machines with No Heat Addition: The Propeller
1.3. Flow Machines with P = 0 and Q = Constant: The Turbojet, Ramjet, and Scramjet
1.4. Flow Machines with P = 0, Q = Constant, and A0 = 0: The Rocket
1.5. The Special Case of Combined Heat and Power: The Turbofan
1.6. Force Field for Air-Breathing Engines
1.7. Conditions for Maximum Thrust
1.8. Example: Jet and Rocket Engine Performance
1.9. Nomenclature

Chapter 2. Quasi-One-Dimensional Flow Equations
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Equation of State
2.3. Speed of Sound
2.4. Mach Number
2.5. Conservation of Mass
2.6. Conservation of Energy
2.7. Example: Heating Values for Different Fuel–Oxidizer Combinations
2.8. Conservation of Species
2.9. Conservation of Momentum
2.10. Impulse Function
2.11. Stagnation Pressure
2.12. Equations of Motion in Standard Form
2.13. Example: Flow in a Duct with Friction
2.14. Nomenclature

Chapter 3. Idealized Cycle Analysis of Jet Propulsion Engines
3.1. Introduction
3.2. General Jet Engine Cycle
3.3. Ideal Jet Engine Cycle Analysis
3.4. Ideal Turbojet in Maximum Power Take-Off
3.5. Ideal Turbojet in High Subsonic Cruise in The Stratosphere
3.6. Ideal Turbojet in Supersonic Cruise in The Stratosphere
3.7. Ideal Ramjet in High Supersonic Cruise in The Stratosphere
3.8. Ideal Turbofan in Maximum Power Take-Off
3.9. Ideal Turbofan in High Subsonic Cruise in The Stratosphere
3.10. Ideal Internal Turbofan in Supersonic Cruise in The Stratosphere
3.11. Real Engine Operations
3.12. Nomenclature

Chapter 4. Combustion Chambers for Air-Breathing Engines
4.1. Combustion Chamber Attributes
4.2. Modeling the Chemical Energy Release
4.3. Constant Area Combustors
4.4. Example: Constant Area Combustor
4.5. Constant Pressure Combustors
4.6. Fuels for Air-Breathing Engines
4.7. Combustor Efficiency
4.8. Combustor Configuration
4.9. Example: Secondary Air for Cooling
4.10. Criteria for Equilibrium in Chemical Reactions
4.11. Calculation of Equilibrium Compositions
4.12. Example: Homogeneous Reactions with a Direct Solution
4.13. Example: Homogeneous Reactions with Trial-And-Error Solution
4.14. Example: Estimation of Importance of Neglected Product Species
4.15. Adiabatic Flame Temperature
4.16. Example: Adiabatic Flame Temperature for Stoichiometric H2–O2 Mixture
4.17. Nomenclature

Chapter 5. Nozzles
5.1. Nozzle Characteristics and Simplifying Assumptions
5.2. Flow in a Nozzle with Simple Area Change
5.3. Mass Flow in an Isentropic Nozzle
5.4. Nozzle Operation
5.5. Normal Shock inside the Nozzle
5.6. Example: Shock in Nozzle
5.7. Two-Dimensional Considerations in Nozzle Flows
5.8. Example: Overexpanded Nozzles
5.9. Example: Underexpanded Nozzles
5.10. Afterburning for Increased Thrust
5.11. Nozzle Configurations
5.12. Nozzle Performance
5.13. Nomenclature

Chapter 6. Inlets
6.1. Inlet Operation
6.2. Inlet Mass Flow Performance
6.3. Inlet Pressure Performance
6.4. Subsonic Inlets
6.5. Normal Shock Inlets in Supersonic Flight
6.6. Internal Compression Inlets
6.7. Internal Compression Inlet Operation
6.8. Example: Internal Compression Inlet
6.9. Additive Drag
6.10. External Compression Inlets
6.11. Example: External Compression Inlet
6.12. Mixed Compression Inlets
6.13. Hypersonic Flight Considerations
6.14. Nomenclature

Chapter 7. Turbomachinery
7.1. Thermodynamic Analysis of a Compressor and a Turbine
7.2. Energy Transfer between a Fluid and a Rotor
7.3. The Centrifugal Compressor
7.4. Centrifugal Compressors, Radial Turbines, and Jet Engines
7.5. Axial Flow Compressor
7.6. Axial Flow Turbine
7.7. Axial Flow Compressor and Turbine Performance Maps
7.8. Three-dimensional Considerations in Axial Flow Turbomachines
7.9. Nomenclature

Chapter 8. Blade Element Theory for Axial Flow Turbomachines
8.1. Cascades
8.2. Straight Cascades
8.3. Elemental Blade Forces
8.4. Elemental Blade Power
8.5. Degree of Reaction and Pressure Coefficient
8.6. Nondimensional Combined Velocity Diagram
8.7. Adiabatic Efficiency
8.8. Secondary Flow Losses in Blade Passages
8.9. Blade Loading and Separation
8.10. Characteristics of Blade Pressure Field
8.11. Critical Mach Number
8.12. Linearized Subsonic Compressible Flow
8.13. Plane Compressible Flow
8.14. Turbine Blade Heat Transfer
8.15. Nomenclature

Chapter 9. Turbine Engine Performance and Component Integration
9.1. Turbojet and Turbofan Engine Configurations
9.2. Operational Requirements
9.3. Compressor–Turbine Matching—Case 1: Nozzle Minimum Area and Combustor Exit Stagnation Temperature Specified
9.4. Compressor–Turbine Matching—Case 2: Mass Flow Rate and Engine Speed Specified
9.5. Inlet–Engine Matching
9.6. Example: Basic Compressor–Turbine Matching
9.7. Thrust Monitoring and Control in Flight
9.8. Fuel Delivery Systems
9.9. Thrust Reversers
9.10. Estimating Thrust and Specific Fuel Consumption in Cruise
9.11. Engine Cost
9.12. Loads on Turbomachinery Components
9.13. Nomenclature

Chapter 10. Propellers
10.1. Classical Momentum Theory
10.2. Blade Element Theory
10.3. Propeller Charts and Empirical Methods
10.4. The Variable Speed Propeller
10.5. Propeller Performance
10.6. Example: Propeller Selection
10.7. Ducted Propellers
10.8. Turboprops
10.9. Nomenclature

Chapter 11. Liquid Rockets
11.1. Liquid Rocket Motors
11.2. Specific Impulse
11.3. Example: Rocket Performance
11.4. Combustion Chambers
11.5. Liquid Rocket Motor Operational Considerations
11.6. Rocket Propellants
11.7. Rocket Characteristics
11.8. Propellant Tank and Feed System Design
11.9. Nomenclature

Chapter 12. Solid Propellant Rockets
12.1. Solid Rocket Description
12.2. Solid Propellant Grain Configurations
12.3. Burning Rate
12.4. Grain Design for Thrust-Time Tailoring
12.5. Combustion Chamber Pressure
12.6. Erosive Burning
12.7. Solid Rocket Performance
12.8. Transient Operations
12.9. Example: Tubular Grain Rocket Motor
12.10. Nozzle Heat Transfer
12.11. Hybrid Rockets
12.12. Nomenclature

Chapter 13. Nuclear Rockets
13.1. Nuclear Rockets for Space Exploration
13.2. Nuclear Rocket Engine Configuration
13.3. Exhaust Velocity
13.4. Nuclear Reactors
13.5. Nuclear Reactions
13.6. Reactor Operation
13.7. Fuels for Nuclear Propulsion and Power
13.8. Nuclear Rocket Performance
13.9. Gas Core Nuclear Rockets
13.10. Nuclear Ramjets
13.11. Nomenclature

Chapter 14. Space Propulsion
14.1. Space Propulsion Systems
14.2. Electric Propulsion Systems
14.3. Electrothermal Propulsion Devices
14.4. Electrostatic Propulsion Devices
14.5. Electromagnetic Propulsion Devices
14.6. Nomenclature

Chapter 15. Propulsion Aspects of High-Speed Flight
15.1. Flight Time
15.2. Flight Productivity
15.3. Fuel Burn
15.4. Flight Range

Appendix A. Shock Waves, Expansions, Tables and Charts
Appendix B. Properties of Hydrocarbon Fuel Combustion
Appendix C. Earth's Atmosphere
Appendix D. Boost Phase and Staging of Rockets
Appendix E. Safety, Reliability, and Risk Assessment
Appendix F. Aircraft Performance
Appendix G. Thermodynamic Properties of Selected Species



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Good book, thanks
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