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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-20 16:39:02 | 显示全部楼层
设计部分 (求英语大神帮忙翻译)

First Attempt
The full-auto coilgun project started in November 2010, and the initial design was a high-voltage, single stage, capacitor driven coilgun I called the CG-41.  I hoped to achieve a muzzle energy of about 7.5 Joules with a Rate of Fire (ROF) of 4 Rounds Per Second (RPS).  However, the design disintegrated around the charging circuit, which was a monstrous 2.5kW DC-AC inverter meant to power appliances from a car battery.  The inverter was gigantic, heavy, and had a number of electrical issues that prevented it from being readily integrated into the coilgun design.  As the design exploded in size and complexity to accommodate the charging circuit while still failing to work properly, it had to be abandoned during the testing phase in June 2011.

First Attempt: The CG-41 Concept

Understanding Coilgun Physics
The CG-41 was a brute-force attempt at designing a full-auto coilgun.  It was essentially a scaled-up version of the CG-33, which was a limited design to begin with.  I decided to start over from scratch, and rebuild my gun based on an understanding of physics rather than linear thinking.  This second iteration would be called the CG-42.
A coilgun is a linear motor.  Electronics hobbyist James Paul has developed a great mathematical model of a basic linear motor on his website Coilgun Systems.  Please read about his model here.  A key conclusion drawn from the model is that coils become more efficient as projectile speed increases.  This conclusion rules out a single-stage coilgun as a good design because full power is dumped up front when the projectile is still moving slowly.  A much better design uses multiple, lower power coils to distribute the acceleration over a longer distance so less energy is wasted during the initial slower portion of the acceleration.  As the projectile speeds up, subsequent coils become increasingly efficient so adding more coils and lengthening the gun improves efficiency and increases muzzle energy.  That means an efficient, powerful coilgun will be long and have as many stages as possible.
Also, large currents are not needed to produce this more gradual acceleration.  This is good for a full-auto coilgun, because it eliminates the need for capacitors, charging circuitry, and their slow recharge times and power losses.  There is a lot more to understand about coilgun physics, but this bit of knowledge can already seriously improve the design.

The first step is to decide what I want my coilgun to accomplish.  The design process should then focus on meeting these requirements in the simplest, most direct manner possible.
  • Smashing Power:  Muzzle energy of at least 10J
  • Full-Auto: At least 10 RPS
  • Portable: Length less than 58cm (length of CG-33)
  • Maintainable: All parts accessible for repair or replacement
  • Cool Looking: No tape, cardboard, wood, or colorful plastic used in construction

The Maths
Typically, coilgunners start their design by multiplying the capacitor energy equation by a predicted efficiency factor η to see how much stored energy they will need to produce muzzle energy E.
However, since this gun won’t use capacitors, that won’t work.  By using nothing but three simple kinematic equations, an equally dumb but equally useful back-of-the envelope muzzle energy equation can be derived for a battery driven coilgun.
Kinetic-Energy-Equation.png Average-Power-Equation.png Average-Acceleration-Equation.png

Where t is time and d is distance over which average power P is required to accelerate a projectile of mass m from initial velocity vi to final velocity vf.  Note that equation 3 assumes constant acceleration, which is a close approximation with a highly multi-staged coilgun.  Begin by eliminating t by feeding equation 3 into equation 2 and re-arranging to solve for E.
Assume vi=0 since the projectile is motionless at the beginning of the shot, and use equation 1 to eliminate vf.
Re-arranging to solve for E, we arrive at the final rough formula for muzzle energy of a battery-driven coilgun:
The most frequent comment I get on my coilguns is that I should use a lighter projectile to improve performance.  This equations shows why that suggestion is wrong.  It’s counter-intuitive, but for a fixed power and distance (e.g. fixed capacitor bank and coil), a lighter projectile will gain less muzzle energy than a heavier one.  This equation will now be used to guide the design process.

Every part of a coilgun, from the power supply to the coils, is designed based on the properties of the projectile.  First I need to decide what muzzle velocity I want.  I’d like the CG-42 to shoot at least as fast as the CG-33, which has a muzzle velocity of 40m/s.  With my 10J muzzle energy requirement and equation 1, that means the projectile should have a mass of 12.5g.  Steel nails make great projectiles since they’re cheep, quick to machine, and have decent magnetic properties.  I happened to have a pile of 6.5mm diameter nails left over from a home improvement project.  If I cut them to 50mm lengths and sharpen them down, they come out to 12.3g which is close enough!

Steel Nails Make Nice Projectiles

Number of Coils
To get the best possible efficiency, I want to chose the longest possible acceleration distance and divide this length into as many coils as possible.  This reduces the power needed to reach the required muzzle energy.  Balancing this is the fact that each stage must be accompanied by a set of switching hardware and circuitry, which quickly becomes expensive and difficult to fit inside a portable design when the number of stages becomes too high.  Based on the length of my projectile and the maximum length requirement of the gun, I found that 8 stages could be practically fitted into the design.

The next thing to choose is the batteries.  I begin by re-arranging equation 6 above to solve for the coilgun’s power requirement.
I already have E and m from the previous steps.   For the eight 50mm coils and an equally sized 50mm projectile, this results in d=8x0.05m=0.4m.  Thus, the projectile will need to be supplied with about 500 Watts to meet the muzzle energy requirement.

Next, I need to guess the total (battery to projectile) efficiency of my coilgun.  Based on other multi-staged, battery-driven coilguns, I might hope for an overall efficiency between 6 and 10%.  That means that the batteries must be able to supply somewhere between 5,000 and 8,300 Watts.

When it comes to portable batteries, Lithium Polymer (LiPo) cells are at the forefront of technology (at least in terms of what a hobbyist can afford).  LiPo cells come with burst-current ratings of up to 100C (100 times capacity in amp-hours) in packs with up to six cells in series (6S) having a maximum voltage of 25.2V.  These battery packs are available with capacities of 2500mAh, 3600mAh, and 5000mAh.  Any of these battery choices meet the power requirements with good margin.

For efficient transmission of power to the projectile, the coils must maximize magnetic force exerted on the projectile.  Force on the projectile is proportional to coil current multiplied by turns of wire, so the batteries must have high enough voltage to push lots of current through a coil with many of turns of wire.  For this reason, I chose to use two 6S batteries in series for a total of 50.4V.  I settled on 3600mAh packs in order to ensure that plenty of power was available to the coils and that lots of shots can be fired before the batteries need to be recharged.
Power Supply, iCharger 106b Balance Charger, Venom Racing 22.2V, 6S 3600mAh 50C Li-Polymer Battery Packs

The capabilities of the switch will determine the maximum current the coils must be designed to draw.  Since this design will use the same coil for each stage (see coil section) each stage can also use the same switch.  For this design, an SCR will not work since SCRs require the current to fall to zero in order to switch off, which won’t happen with batteries.  I had several IGBTs left over from the CG-41 which should work nicely.  They can pass current pulses up to 300A, and come in a compact ISOTOP package with screw terminals which make them easy to attach to bus bars and low gauge wires.

Box of  IGBTs

Now the various losses must be considered to ensure that enough power will be delivered to the coils.  I estimated that the batteries and interconnecting wires will add about 40mΩ of resistance in series with the coils.  Additionally, the IGBTs will dissipate about 900W when they conduct a full 300A.  That leaves P = (300A*50.4V – 0.004Ω*300A^2 – 900W) = 10,620W still delivered to the coils.  This satisfies the 5,000-8,300W power estimate with a good margin to allow for any variations.

Lastly, note that MOSFETs with the same current rating would operate with about half the power loss of these IGBTs, but the higher voltage rating of the IGBTs will allow me to turn the coils off more quickly, reducing the “suck-back” effect and improving efficiency (see voltage suppression section).  

For a coilgun, the main purpose of the barrel is to protect the inside of the coils from being damaged by the projectile as it’s pulled through.  The main criteria for choosing the barrel is that it should fit the projectile closely and have the thinnest walls possible. When the coilgun is energized, the projectile and coil are linked as a magnetic circuit.  Any space between the projectile and coil occupied by non-magnetic material acts like a fat resistor on that circuit and limits transmission of power from coil to projectile.  Thus a thin, tight barrel reduces the amount of plastic and air between the coil and projectile and improves efficiency. A metal barrel is ideal because of its thin walls, but the energized coils will generate eddy currents in the metal material due to its conductivity.  The power wasted in these eddy currents can be significant and detract from the coilgun’s efficiency.  Cutting a length-wise slot down the barrel can mitigate eddy currents, but I don’t have the tooling to accomplish this.  For the barrel of the CG-42, I chose a low-friction Teflon tube that fit the projectile nicely.

For an actively triggered coilgun like this one (see coil triggering) the inductance of each coil stage does not need to vary to account for the increasing speed of the projectile, so each stage can use the same coil design.  The physical dimensions of the coil are already dictated by the dimensions of the projectile and a maximum outer radius I set to limit the physical size of the gun.  I then designed a coil that would fit within that space while having as many turns of wire as possible to maximize magnetic force and draw a peak current of 300 Amps from the batteries.  I chose to use low-gauge copper magnet wire, which minimizes resistivity and wasted space within the coil dimensions.

Copper Magnet Wire

Voltage Suppression
The coil is an inductor, and an inductor stores energy in its magnetic field.  When an inductor is removed from its power supply, the inductor uses its stored energy to generate a voltage that tries to keep the current flowing.  If I were to simply switch off the coils at the appropriate time, the coil inductance would generate a voltage spike that could easily exceed the maximum voltage rating of the IGBTs and destroy them.   The solution is to suppress the voltage spike by giving the inductor energy somewhere else to go.  This is commonly done by connecting a diode anti-parallel to the coil.  When the IGBT shuts off the current, the diode begins to conduct and allows the current to circulate in the coil where it decays and dissipates as heat.  This switch-off current must dissipate quickly; any current remaining in the coil after the projectile passes the center point will slow the projectile down.  The time it takes to to dissipate this current can be significantly reduced by adding a resistor in series with the diode.  Each coil in the CG-42 uses a rectifier diode with a high surge current rating and a high-power resistor to quickly dissipate coil switch-off currents.

Magnetic Flux Augmentation
Flux augmentation is the practice of encasing the coils within some magnetic material in order to reduce the reluctance of the magnetic circuit and improve the magnetic linkage between the projectile and coil. Research suggests that ferrous end caps can give a significant performance boost to low power coils such as the ones I’m planning to build.   Higher power coilguns can saturate the end cap’s finite ability to be magnetized, making the efficiency boost less significant.

Iron powder and epoxy used to form coil end caps

To determine the usefulness of end caps to the CG-42 project, I’ll make a rough comparison of magnetic field strength between my coil and the one used in the research.  The research setup involved a coil of 40mΩ and 23uH, and a 33,000uF capacitor bank charged up to 60V.  This would result in an average discharge current of 472A.  The equation for magnetic field strength at the center of an ideal coil is B=μ0*N*I/L where μ0 is the magnetic constant of 1.257×10-6 T*m/A, N is number of turns, I is current and L is length of the coil.  The research coil had 70 turns and was 27mm long.  This results in an average field strength of 1.54 Teslas. The same equation applied to the CG-42 coil gives an average field strength of 1.23 Teslas.  If the research coil of  higher field strength gained a significant performance boost from the end caps, then I should also be able to see a similar performance boost if I build end caps of similar composition.

Coil Triggering

It’s important to have feedback when switching the coils in a multistaged coilgun.  If the switching mechanism isn’t adaptive, a small irregularity in one stage introduces a timing error that amplifies in subsequent stages.   As the batteries drain with repeated shots and as the coils heat up, the coils will carry less current and produce less acceleration.  Thus a timing sequence that is optimized for room temperature coils and a fresh battery will not work well for hot coils or a partially drained battery.  The timing of the coils must adapt actively to all possible situations.


Accomplishing this is easier than it sounds.  A simple IR sensor can be placed at the entrance of each coil, such that the projectile blocks the sensor as it enters the coil, and clears the sensor as the projectile aligns with the center of the coil (if projectile and coil are the same length).  A circuit can trigger the coil as long as the sensor is blocked. This results in near-perfect timing, every time. This implemented for the CG-42 with a simple circuit that only uses a small handful of analog components.

Projectile Feed System

The only moving parts required for this design are in the mechanism that feeds projectiles into the coils. The simplest approach I could think of was to store the projectiles in a spring-loaded box magazine (like a typical automatic weapon) and punch the projectiles out of the magazine at the top via an off-the-shelf “injector” solenoid.  The solenoid is spring-loaded, so it pulls itself back to the starting position after being fired to allow another projectile in the magazine to slide up for the next shot.  Most coilguns that use a solenoid feed mechanism place the solenoid immediately behind the magazine. However, that eats up precious length that could otherwise be occupied by more coils, so I chose to place the solenoid above the magazine and equip it with a small “arm” that reaches down to push the projectiles out of the magazine.

Spring-Return Solenoid

After the mechanical design was completed, I designed a circuit that controls the injector and allows the user to chose semi or full-auto mode.  The circuit also sets the maximum rate-of-fire, and reads a signal from the 8th stage trigger to ensure that only one shot is fired at a time.

Power Supply:
The triggering and injector control circuitry require a low, stable voltage to operate properly. The 25V available from the battery packs is too much, so the power supply must step-down the battery voltage to something more usable.  There are two options to perform a DC step-down.  The first is a linear regulator- a cheap, simple device that shunts the unused voltage as waste heat, which is wasteful with high step-down ratios.  The second option is a buck converter, an Integrated Circuit (IC) that drives an inductor and a diode to reduce the voltage.  I made the decision that the improved efficiency was worth it, and designed two buck converters- one to power the control circuitry and a second to power a targeting laser.

Also, LiPo batteries can be damaged if drained below 3V per cell (or ~18V total for a 6 cell pack), so a low-voltage detector for each battery was designed into the power supply.  It’s a simple circuit that lights a red LED when the battery drops below 18V.

Lastly, two green LEDs were added to the power supply to serve as indicators, one lights when the buck converter is switched on enabling the control circuitry, and another lights when the high-side battery is plugged in and the coils become powered.

Gun Frame
The frame of the gun should be strong, lightweight, compact and easy to build.  Minimizing the number of parts, cuts, and bends in the design will save days of effort and frustration when it comes time to build it.  I designed the frame of the CG-42 to be built with inexpensive, readily available aluminum bars and sheets joined together with machine screws and epoxy.  For the aluminum sheets, I chose alloy 3003 because of its formability and machineability. I’m working entirely with hand tools so I needed to use an alloy that was easy to cut, drill, and bend by hand.

The only high-voltage parts in the whole design are the IGBTs, which can reach up to 600V when fired.  I chose to group all of the IGBTs and switching electronics together inside an ABS plastic compartment along the top of the gun to improve the electrical safety of the design.  The connections between the batteries and the coils were designed with thick, tightly connected conductors to minimize parasitic impedance that reduces power transmission from batteries to coils.  I chose copper bus bars to conduct current to the coils and super-low gauge copper automotive wire to connect the batteries to the bus bars.

The look of whole design started with a simple sketch which then became a scale drawing.  Then the design was adjusted and components were rearranged again and again until everything fit inside.

Original Sketch of CG-42 Concept (June 2011).  

Scale Drawing of CG-42 Gun Frame

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-20 17:12:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 万磁王 于 2013-11-20 19:58 编辑

加工制作(一)  (继续求英语大神)

End Caps
The first components to be constructed were the magnetic coil end caps.  Mixing and molding the iron-epoxy compound was challenging to say the least.  The mixture ratio has to be just right.  If there’s too much epoxy, the end cap won’t be ferrous enough and might as well be a chunk of plastic.  If there’s too much iron, the piece will conduct eddy currents and possibly crack when coming out of the mold.  Also, the right amount of compression has to be applied to the mold- too much compression will cause the epoxy to ooze out, leaving an overly iron-rich piece inside.  I had to make 16 end caps to get 9 that were good- meaning I had a 56% success rate with this process.  Each piece took 48 hours to dry, making the effort long and frustrating.  Lastly, the end caps were fitted with brackets to mount the infrared projectile sensors and coil magnet wire.

Molded Coil Endcaps
Coil Stage Design
Completed Endcaps                                                                        

After the end caps were completed, they were positioned along the barrel and holes were drilled so the IR detector beams could shine across the barrel.  Then the coils were wound carefully in between the end caps with the aid of my vice grip.  Each inner coil layer is secured with a single layer of packing tape.

Placement of Coil Endcaps
Coil Winding
Completed Coils     

ProjectilesAn advantage to using steel nails as projectiles is the ease of fabrication, which is a huge plus when you need to make twenty of them.  Each projectile was simply measured, cut, and filed into shape.  Maintaining a precise length was important to insure that each projectile extends far enough to trip the first stage IR trigger when pushed out of the magazine.

Finished Projectiles

Initial Testing
It’s a good idea to make sure everything works before you expend a ton of effort refining it into a final product.  I built a plywood testbed upon which I could easily lay out all of the components of the gun for testing.  I cut two copper bus bars and connected the coils to the batteries in a similar manner  as the final product in order to have an accurate test.  The power supply and switching circuits were built on breadboards, and everything was connected together in a way that made it easy to take apart again to make changes and repairs.  I also purchased a Chrony F-1 speed trap for measuring the speed of the projectiles in order to compare the actual performance to what I had designed for.

CG-42 Testbed
Extreme Science View
The Coilgun Firing Range

The first test shot was fired on January 27th, 2012 with a single stage and single battery, since I had never built something like this before and wasn’t really sure of what would happen.  You can watch a video of the very first test shot below.

The remaining stages were then added to the testbed and fired.  Initial test results for the first seven stages are given in the table below:

Test results for first seven stages.

Total efficiency (n) is defined as the percentage of energy removed from the batteries that becomes projectile kinetic energy (KE/PE*100%).  The cumulative total efficiency is about 5.9%. The 8th stage wasn’t fired because part of it exploded during testing.  Clearly there were issues to be worked out before the electronics could be put into a handheld gun,  but I had enough data to show that the 10J muzzle energy goal was well within reach.

Switching Assembly

Next I built the plastic housing for all of the high voltage components used to switch the coils on and off.  Two thick copper bus bars connected to the battery terminals run the length of the housing down either side.  Between the copper rails are the eight IGBTs, one to switch each coil.  Between each IGBT is a small circuit board containing the voltage suppression electronics.  Initially, each voltage suppression circuit board contained four series diodes, which I mistakenly thought was the fastest way to quench the coil current.  Later, I learned that the single diode/resistor method was much faster, so each circuit board was removed and upgraded.  Lastly, each stage has a red LED that lights when the IGBT is conducting.  This provides a fault indicator if a coil is erroneously switched on as well as a cool “racing LED” effect during each shot.

IGBTs Installed
Copper Busbar Fabricated
Busbars Installed
Switch Indicator LED
Early Voltage Suppression Circuit Boards
Circuit Boards Installed                                                                        


The gun frame had to be built twice.  The first attempt was based on a design that just couldn’t be built with hand tools, so I redesigned it to use pre-existing aluminum cross-sections to minimize parts, cuts and joints.  The second design was stronger and easier to build, but several parts still had to be redone once, twice, and even three times until I had something that was solid and respectable.  By the time the aluminum frame was complete and ready to accept the gun components, I had probably ingested more aluminum sawdust than a healthy human being ever should, but it was worth it.  The final product is extremely rigid and sturdy, with no rattles or creaking even when tested under heavy loads (such as when I accidentally ran into it head-first while vacuuming the floor one day).


Lots of additional components were built into the frame.  The pistol-grip and trigger are hugely improved from the CG-33.  The ergonomic grip is solidly bolted into the frame, and the trigger pulls smoothly and comes to a confident stop just as the shot is triggered.  The select fire switch, power switches, battery monitor LEDs, circuit board mounting brackets, safety fuses and a targeting laser were all designed, built, redesigned and rebuilt and mounted into the frame during this phase as well.

Foregrip Cut

Vicegrip Used as Brake

Completed Foregrip

Led Panel

Battery LEDs Installed

Modified Laser Pen

Laser, Switches & Fuses

Grip & Trigger

Completed Gun Frame

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-20 17:32:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 万磁王 于 2013-11-21 15:01 编辑

加工制作(二)  (继续求英语大神)

Circuit Boards

A circuit that makes perfect sense on paper won’t work when you simulate it, and a circuit that works perfectly in a simulator won’t work when you test it on a breadboard, and a circuit that works perfectly on a breadboard won’t work once you solder it together.  Then you spend three weeks troubleshooting it, only to find that it starts working again for no reason at all.  Thus went the process for the CG-42′s circuit boards.

In the end, everything worked out.  The layouts of all the circuit boards were sketched on paper before-hand to fit into their small spaces while remaining neat and organized.  Cramped, messy circuit boards make it easy for shorts and loose connections to occur.  When your circuits are connected to two giant flammable batteries that you hold right next to your face when you shoot the gun, that’s some pretty serious business.

Power Supply Circuit Board

Projectile Feed System

This was a challenge to build, as moving parts usually are.  For the coilgun to operate reliably, the projectile feed system will have to operate smoothly and consistently even when actuated 10 times per second.  The difficulty began with the magazine. Two magazines, three followers and four magazine springs were designed, built, and failed before I came to a good design that could feed the projectiles without jamming.

The first magazine was proven wrong… with my hammer.

The final magazine is  built from bended aluminum sheets joined with epoxy, and the spring was manually bent from steel wire.  Instead of using a mechanical latch, the magazine is held in place by a Neodymium magnet.

The injector solenoid required some modification to get it to function properly.  The stock return spring didn’t provide enough force to retract the solenoid to its starting position when subjected to friction against the spring-loaded projectiles.  Using two stock springs provided enough force, but the action was mushy and inconsistent.  Using a trick from freshman physics lab, I measured the spring’s force constant and purchased a new single spring that provided double the force.  This fed the projectiles much more reliably.  After some time spent adjusting the positioning and stroke-length of the solenoid, I finally had a mechanism capable of sustaining full-auto projectile feed.

Final Magazine Stenciled on Aluminum

Magazine Plate Cut Out

Magazine, Follower, and Base Plate

Spring Bending

Assembled Injector Mechanism

Injector in Aluminum Housing

Final Testing

After many months spent connecting all of the components together and troubleshooting all sorts of problems, the whole coilgun was assembled and ready to go.  The first full-power test shots were fired on July 1st, 2013.  The first shot was a success.  Immediately after the second shot, the IGBT controlling the first stage failed dead-short and exploded.  The battery fuse failed to trip, allowing the first stage coil to melt and burn quite thoroughly.  The entire incident can be observed below:

After making this video I was so amped up on science I couldn’t sleep until two in the morning

Fortunately, the circuit board fuses worked properly and protected the rest of the components.  The cause of IGBT failure was later determined to be excessive voltage allowed by a blown resistor in the voltage suppression circuit. The first stage coil had to be replaced, and all eight voltage suppressors were refitted with higher wattage resistors to widen the safety margin.  Thanks to requirement 4 (maintainability) the repairs were quick and the gun was back up and running in less than two weeks. The results of the full performance characterization are shown below.

Trial2Final Testing Results

With a total efficiency of 7.0% the results are extremely pleasing (compared to a typical 2% coilgun).  As expected, performance had improved since initial testing.  This is due to the resistors that I added to the voltage suppression circuits to quench the coil current more quickly. This drastically reduces suck-back, especially in later stages where the projectile is moving very fast.  The efficiency of the first and last coils dropped (relative to the other stages), likely due to induction of eddy currents in the aluminum gun frame which the first and last coils are now mounted into.  As to what causes the performance drop on the 6th stage, I have no theories. Oddly, looking back at the initial test with 7 stages, the 3rd-to-last stage performed low as well.


After an eternity of sawing, filing, drilling and soldering I suddenly realized that there was nothing left to be done and the gun was finished.  Somehow everything turned out better than I expected, from the appearance of the gun to the performance numbers.  All of the goals were met, except rate of fire which came in at 7.7 rounds/sec.  This could be increased by changing a single resistor in the injector control circuit, but I chose to keep it this way since the coils won’t heat up as quickly.

The battery powered coilgun equation was remarkably accurate in determining the power required.  This is because the actual acceleration of the projectile was very close to being constant, which was the key assumption of that equation.  The efficiency guess (6-10%) was also fairly close.  However, the 40mΩ series resistance prediction was way off- actual series resistance was closer to 100mΩ due to unexpectedly high internal resistance within the battery cells.   The coils only get about 190A instead of the 300A I planned for, but since the 300A was way over-designed, the coils still get enough current to meet the projectile power demands.  This means I could have gotten away with using the smaller 2500mAh batteries, but the bigger batteries provide the advantage of being able to power far more shots. While testing and making the video, I put about 100 rounds through the gun and the batteries only dropped from 50.20 to 49.03V.  I could probably fire several hundred more rounds before the batteries drain to the minimum 36V and need a recharge.

In the end, I’m very happy with how it turned out.  Holding the gun makes you feel like a mad scientist, and firing full-auto bursts gives the shooter a terrifying sense of excitement and destructive power.  Project complete!
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