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《5G System Design:An End to End Perspective》attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-1-15 1710376 QQ.Fu 2024-11-13 14:47
《Control Instrumentation Systems:Proceedings of CISCON 2018》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2019-12-28 87231 shar123 2024-11-13 14:41
《Multifunctional Coordination Materials for Green Energy Technologies》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2024-11-8 366 shar123 2024-11-13 14:34
《Advanced Computational Methods and Design for Greener Aviation》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2024-11-11 334 shar123 2024-11-13 14:32
《Military Modelcraft International》2024年11月attach_img 读书杂志 共享百科 2024-11-13 12 oo0oo 2024-11-13 09:02
《Advances in Communication,Signal Processing, VLSI,and Embedded Systems:S...attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-5-25 87078 N00B 2024-11-11 19:49
《Automotive Embedded Systems:Key Technologies, Innovations,and Applicatio...attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2021-5-23 1216941 N00B 2024-11-11 19:48
《Foundations of Embedded Systems》attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-6-8 106339 N00B 2024-11-11 19:46
《Embedded System Design:Embedded Systems Foundations of Cyber-Physical Sy...attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2021-4-24 89373 N00B 2024-11-11 19:45
《Embedded Platforms for UAS Landing Path and Obstacle Detection II:Naviga...attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2024-7-8 5812 N00B 2024-11-11 19:44
北航探空火箭attach_img 火箭发动机 chamfounder 2022-10-20 92858 N00B 2024-11-11 19:28
《Drones The Complete Manual:The essential handbook for drone enthusiasts... ...23 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2019-7-2 2617380 2016盛三川 2024-11-11 13:14
《Helicopter Flying Handbook》attach_img  ...23 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2019-10-24 2216853 amituoniu 2024-11-11 10:02
《Model Engineers' Workshop》2024年11月attach_img 读书杂志 共享百科 2024-11-11 12 oo0oo 2024-11-11 09:03
《Software Engineering for Automotive Systems:Principles and Applications》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2023-7-2 42939 N00B 2024-11-11 07:53
《Flight Simulation Software:Design, Development and Testing》attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2023-1-18 115744 N00B 2024-11-11 07:51
《Unmanned Space Missions》attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2019-11-9 138897 tongwei_4811 2024-11-11 07:46
《DevOps for Airborne Software:Exploring Modern Approaches》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2023-8-6 72811 N00B 2024-11-11 01:23
《Aerospace Actuators 3:European Commercial Aircraft and Tiltrotor Aircraf...attach_img  ...23 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-8-25 2726383 N00B 2024-11-11 01:17
《Safety Design for Space Systems》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2023-4-16 43178 N00B 2024-11-11 01:15
《Spaceflight and the Central Nervous System:Clinical and Scientific Aspec...attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2023-3-14 33176 N00B 2024-11-11 01:14
《Behavioral Health and Human Interactions in Space》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2023-4-1 32370 N00B 2024-11-11 01:13
《China’s Space Programme》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2022-8-20 74317 N00B 2024-11-11 01:13
《Understanding Pulsars and Space Navigations》attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2021-7-13 1113588 N00B 2024-11-11 01:10
《Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight》第二版 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-6-19 96133 N00B 2024-11-11 01:09
《The Space Industry of the Future:Capitalism and Sustainability in Outer ...attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2022-10-4 63570 N00B 2024-11-11 01:08
《Welding and Joining of Aerospace Materials》第二版attachment 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2022-7-21 54843 N00B 2024-11-11 01:07
《Smart Materials:Considerations on Earth and in Space》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2022-3-17 34109 N00B 2024-11-11 01:06
《Advanced Aerospace Materials:Aluminum-Based and Composite Structures》 ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-6-13 1212525 N00B 2024-11-11 01:05
《Stratospheric Balloons:Science and Commerce at the Edge of Space》 ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2021-4-29 1212857 N00B 2024-11-11 01:03
《To Mars and Beyond, Fast!:How Plasma Propulsion Will Revolutionize Space...attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-7-26 1410956 N00B 2024-11-11 01:02
《Dynamics of Tethered Space Systems》attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-7-19 1210912 N00B 2024-11-11 00:57
《Engineering Economics for Aviation and Aerospace》attach_img  ...23 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2019-6-5 2013943 N00B 2024-11-11 00:54
《Manufacturing Technology for Aerospace Structural Materials》attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-8-19 1315068 N00B 2024-11-11 00:53
《Discrete-Time and Discrete-Space Dynamical Systems》 ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-11-22 1110724 N00B 2024-11-11 00:51
《Light Weighting for Defense, Aerospace,and Transportation》attachment  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2019-12-25 1811442 N00B 2024-11-11 00:48
《Space Mining and Manufacturing:Off-World Resources and Revolutionary Eng... 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-1-14 87563 N00B 2024-11-11 00:43
《Aerospace Materials》attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2019-7-8 1411481 N00B 2024-11-11 00:42
《Space Vehicle Design》第二版attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-7-22 1311434 N00B 2024-11-11 00:41
《Damage Growth in Aerospace Composites》attachment  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-6-12 1112143 N00B 2024-11-11 00:41
《Space Habitats and Habitability:Designing for Isolated and Confined Envi...attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2021-7-16 45436 N00B 2024-11-11 00:40
《Design of Supporting Systems for Life in Outer Space:A Design Perspectiv...attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2021-5-31 77337 N00B 2024-11-11 00:39
《Future Space-Transport-System Components under High Thermal and Mechanical... ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2021-1-26 106906 N00B 2024-11-11 00:39
《Autonomy Requirements Engineering for Space Missions》 ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-12-28 1113961 N00B 2024-11-11 00:38
《Handbook of Space Security:Policies, Applications and Programs》第二版 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-11-10 85676 N00B 2024-11-11 00:37
《The Spacefarer’s Handbook:Science and Life Beyond Earth》 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-11-20 65752 N00B 2024-11-11 00:36
《Critical Space Infrastructures:Risk, Resilience and Complexity》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-6-25 84902 N00B 2024-11-11 00:32
《Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine》第四版attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-7-12 96037 N00B 2024-11-11 00:31
《Radiation in Space: Relevance and Risk for Human Missions》attach_img 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-10-28 95439 N00B 2024-11-11 00:29
《Space: Technologies,Materials, Structures》attach_img  ...2 图书资料下载 请叫我雷锋 2020-7-14 106901 N00B 2024-11-11 00:27

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