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《Theory, Design, and Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles》

《Theory, Design, and Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles》
作者:A. R. Jha, Ph.D.

Foreword xiii
PreFace xix
chaPter 1 historical asPects oF Unmanned aerial
Vehicles 1
Introduction 1
Typical Physical Parameters of UAVs for Commercial
Applications 2
Various Categories of Unmanned Vehicles 3
UAVs for Border Patrol Operations 3
Chronological History of UAVs and Drones 6
UAVs Operated by Various Countries for Surveillance
and Reconnaissance 10
Comments 11
Deployment Restriction on UAVs 11
FAA Designations and Legal Regulations 12
Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 15
Civilian Applications of UAVs 15
Pizza Delivery by Small UAVs or Drones 15
Drone Deployments for Miscellaneous Commercial
Applications 15
Drones for Commercial Aerial Survey Applications 16
Drones for Remote Sensing Applications 16
Drones for Motion Picture and Filmmaking 17
Drones for Sports Events 17
Role of Drones in Domestic Policing Activities 18
vi Contents
Drones for Oil, Gas, and Mineral Exploration and
Production 18
UAVs for Disaster Relief Activities 19
Drones for Scientific Research in Atmospheric
Environments 19
Classic Example of Search and Rescue Mission 20
UAVs or Drones for Animal Conservation Functions 20
Drones for Maritime Patrol Activities 21
Drones for Cooperative Forest Fire Surveillance Missions 22
NASA Contribution to Firefighting Technology 22
Cooperative Forest Fire Surveillance Using a Team of
Micro-UAVs 24
Real-Time Algorithm 25
Development of a Cooperative Surveillance Strategy 28
Critical Aspects of Fire Monitoring Scheme Based
on Autonomous Concept 29
Potential Algorithms for Fire Monitoring Purposes 38
Conclusions on Forest Fire Surveillance Concept 43
Summary 44
References 45
chaPter 2 Unmanned aerial Vehicles For military
aPPlications 47
Introduction 47
Various Categories of Unmanned Vehicles for Combat
Activities 48
UAVs for Combat Operations 49
Functional Capabilities of the GCS Operator 50
Description of GCS 50
Operating Requirements for UAV Operator or Pilot 55
Location of GCS 56
Role of Portable UAV GCS 57
Operator Responsibility for Payload Control 59
Role of Sensors aboard the UAV 59
Role of Lynx Advanced Multichannel Radar 60
Locations of GCSs 61
Landing of Fire Scout Helicopter 63
Deployment of Commercial-off-the-Shelf Components
for the Control Station 63
GCS for Each UAV Category 63
Next Generation of GCS 64
Impact of Human Factors on Control Station 66
Weapons Best Suited for High-Value Targets 66
Combat UAVs Operated by Various Countries 67
Contents vi i
BAe UCAV: European UAV 68
BAe System Taranis: British UAV 69
Dassault nEUROn (European UCAV) 69
Rustom (Warrior): Indian UAV 70
Israeli UAVs 72
UAVs Operational in the United States 73
MQ-1 Predator Series 74
General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper 74
Guizhou Sparrow Hawk II (Chinese UAV) 75
Guizhou Soar Eagle Chinese UAV 76
Miscellaneous UAVs Designed and Developed by U.S.
Companies 77
Smallest UAV Developed by NRL (USA) 77
U.S. UAVs for Space Applications 78
Classification of Small UAVs 78
RQ-7 Shadow UAV Developed by AAI Corporation (USA) 79
UAV for Maritime Surveillance 79
Miniaturized Components for Synthetic Aperture Radars 80
Miniature Sensors for Reconnaissance Missions by
Small UAVs 80
Uncooled Thermal Imaging Camera for Small UAVs 81
Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar Surveillance 81
Miscellaneous Compact Sensors for Tier-1 and Tier-2 UAVs 82
Data Link Types 82
Operating Modes 83
Image Processing and Exploitation 84
System Performance Parameters 84
Options Available 84
Hunter–Killer UAVs for Battlefield Applications 84
Autonomy of Hunter–Killer Platforms (MQ-9) 87
Role of Micro Air Vehicles 88
Technical Specifications for Tier-1, Tier-2, and Tier-3 MAVs 88
Wasp III MAV 89
Raven RQ-11 B MAV 90
Puma AE MAV 91
RQ-16 A T-Hawk 92
Small Tactical Munitions, Miniaturized Electronics, and
Latest Component Technology for Future MAVs 94
Unmanned Ground Vehicles 96
Role of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle in
Counterterrorism 97
Qualifications and Practical Experience for UAV Operators 99
Summary 100
References 101
viii Contents
chaPter 3 electro-oPtical, radio-FreqUency, and
electronic comPonents For Unmanned
aerial Vehicles 103
Introduction 103
RF Components for UAV and UCAV Sensors 104
RF and Microwave Passive Components 104
Synthetic Aperture Radar, a Premium Sensor for UAVs 105
NANO-SAR Performance Parameters 107
RF Components for Reconnaissance and Surveillance
Receivers 107
Connectors and Cables for Tactical Data Link 108
Data Security 109
Semiactive Passive Microwave Components for UAVs 109
Semiconductor-Based Limiters 110
Ferrite RF Limiters 110
Yttrium-Iron-Garnet-Tunable Filters 111
Working Principle of a Magnetically Tunable Filter 112
Solid-State Tunable Oscillators for UAV
Applications 112
Reconnaissance and Surveillance Receivers 114
Low-Noise MMIC Amplifiers 116
Performance Parameters of MMIC Amplifiers for
Deployment in the Next Generation of UCAVs 117
Reliability and Structural Integrity of the Transistors
Used in MMIC Amplifiers 118
Electro-Optical Sensors for UAVs 119
Lasers and Their Critical Roles in UAVs 120
Laser Seeker for UAV Applications 121
Laser Illuminator 122
Laser Ranging System for Precision Weapon Delivery 124
Electro-Optical Guided Missile 124
IR Lasers to Counter the IR Missile Threat 125
Diode-Pumped Solid-State IR Lasers 125
Other Types of Lasers Available but Maybe Not Suitable
for UAV Applications 126
Space Communication Laser System Employing Rare
Earth Materials 128
Forward-Looking Infrared Sensors 129
Forward-Looking Infrared Sensors for UAV
Applications 130
IRST Sensor for UAV Deployment 131
Performance Capabilities and Limitations of IRST
Sensors 131
Types of Infrared Detectors 137
Description and Performance Capabilities of Most
Popular IR Detectors 137
Photon Detectors 137
Contents ix
Low-Power, High-Speed IR Detectors 138
Optical Detectors 141
IR and Television Cameras 141
Performance Capabilities of Various Gyros for UAV
Navigation 141
Most Popular Gyros Deployed by Aviation Industry 142
Performance Summary for Various Types of Gyros 142
Summary 143
References 146
chaPter 4 UaV naVigation system and Flight
control system critical reqUirements 147
Introduction 147
UAV Navigation System 149
Algorithms 149
Algorithms Appropriate for SINS Functioning 150
Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (SINS) Algorithms 151
Development and Experimental Evaluation of Prototype
UAV Navigation System 153
SINS Correction Algorithm 154
Requirements of UAV’s Automatic Flight Control System
(AFCS) 156
Critical Functions of AFCS 157
Critical Functions of the AFCS 158
Principal Design Objective of the AFCS 158
Definitions of Operating Modes and Functions
Associated with Modes 158
Essential Components or Subsystems of AFCS 160
Critical Functions of AFCS 161
Software for AFCS 161
Properties of Specialized Software 162
Basic Performance Specification Requirements for the
AFCS Module 162
Indication of Emergency Conditions from AFCS
Algorithms 163
Programming and Adjustment of AFCS 163
UAV Fault Detection and Isolation 164
Kalman Filtering 172
Description of Various Errors 176
Calculation of Estimated Error of UAV Speed in SINS
Algorithms 177
Role of Compensation Circuit Filter in the Joint SINS/
SNS System Operation 181
Extended Kalman Filtering Technique 182
Summary 187
References 189
x Contents
chaPter 5 ProPUlsion systems and electrical
soUrces For drones and UaVs 191
Introduction 191
Power Sources for Commercial Drones, Tactical Drones,
and Minidrones 192
Electrical Power Sources for Commercial and
Minidrones 192
Electrical Power Sources for Nano- and Micro-UAVs 193
Battery Suitability 195
Compact or Miniaturized High-Capacity Batteries
for Commercial Drones 199
Fuel Cells for Heavy-Duty UAVs 201
Power Sources for Drones, Electronic Drones, and
Micro-UAVs 207
Propulsion Sources for Electronic Drones and
Quadcopters 207
Suitability and Deployment of Appropriate Sources for
UAV Propulsion 210
Propulsion Systems for Micro-UAVs and Commercial
Electronic Drones 210
Future Market Forecast for Hybrid or Electronic
Drones 211
Propulsion Systems for Full-Size UAVs and UCAVs 213
Categories of Propulsion Systems 214
Distinction between Combustion Turbines and Jet
Engines 214
Propulsion Systems for UCAVs 216
Summary 219
References 222
chaPter 6 Unmanned aUtonomoUs Vehicle
technology 223
Introduction 223
Example of UAV with Autonomous Capability 224
Encouraging Signs of Autonomous Capability in the
Auto Industry 225
Smart Materials for UAVs 226
Smart Components for UAVs 227
Gyros for UAV Applications 227
Motion Controllers for UAV Application 230
Military Role of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle 231
Role of Electronic Switch Modules 232
Role of Critical Miscellaneous Components 233
Integrated Simulation Capability of UAV 234
Description and Performance of Sensors aboard
Autonomous UAVs 243
Propulsion Systems for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles 246
Contents xi
Description of Propulsion Systems That Could Be
Deployed for Autonomous Vehicles 247
Specific Propulsion Systems Best Suited for
Autonomous Vehicles 247
Summary 249
References 251
chaPter 7 sUrViVability oF Unmanned aUtonomoUs
Vehicles 253
Introduction 253
Critical Issues and Factors Responsible for UAV Survival 253
Stealthy Fuselage Features and Control Surfaces 254
Smart Optical Materials 255
Stealth Technology Vital for UAV Survival 256
RCS Reduction Techniques by Vehicle Structural
Design Concepts 256
Techniques Currently Available for RCS Reduction 259
Latest Paints Best Suited for RCS Reduction 261
IR Signature Estimation and Reduction Techniques 261
Thermal Expressions Used in the Calculation of IR
Signature 262
Sample Calculation 263
IR Radiation Intensity (IR Signatures) at Various
Elements of the UAV 263
IR Signature due to Aircraft Skin Temperature 267
IR Energy Generated by Various Aircraft Elements 267
MAM Technology for Small and Lightweight Munitions 269
Specific Details on MAM Technology 269
3D Printing Technology 272
Potential Applications of Pyros Munitions 273
Potential Benefits of AMT 274
Summary 278
References 280
index 283

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Ken 发表于 2017-10-4 17:26:11


RickLiu 发表于 2017-10-4 17:35:27


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