《Structural Integrity of Aging Airplanes》
《Structural Integrity of Aging Airplanes》老龄飞机结构完整性
S. N. Atluri
S. G. Sampath
P. Tong
1 . Towards Quantitative Non·Destructive Evaluation of Aging
J.D. Achenbach and D.O. Thompson
2. Computational Schemes for Integrity Analyses of Fuselage
Panels in Aging Airplanes
S.N. At/uri and P. Tong
3. Risk Analysis for Aging Aircraft Fleets
A.P. Berens, J.G. Burns and J.L. Rudd
4. Aspects of Aging Aircraft: A TransAtlantic View
J. W. Bristow
5. The Civil Damage Tolerance Requirements in Theory and
D. Broek
6. The Effect of Exfoliation Corrosion on the Fatigue Behavior
of Structural Aluminum Alloys
J.P. Chubb, T.A. Morad, B.S. Hockenhull and J.W. Bristow
7. A Damage Tolerance Approach for Management of Aging Gas
Turbine Engines
W.O. Cowie
8. An Evaluation of the Pressure Proof Test Concept for
2024·T3 Aluminum Alloy Sheet
D.S. Dawicke, C.C. Poe, Jr., J.C. Newman, Jr., and C.E. Harris
9. Aging Jet Transport Structural Evaluation Programs
U.G. Goranson and M. Miller
10. NASA Airframe Structural Integrity Program
C.E. Harris
11. The Aloha Airlines Accident - A New Era for Aging Aircraft 153
W.R. Hendricks
12. Fuselage Longitudinal Splice Design 167
A W. HogganJ
13. Representation and Probability Issues In the Simulation of 183
Multi-Site Damage
AR. Ingraffea, M.D. Grigoriu and D. V. Swenson
14. Bonded Repair of Multi-Site Damage 199
R. Jones, N. Bridgeford, G. Wallace and L. Molent
1 5. Applications of Advanced Fracture Mechanics to Fuselage 213
M.F. Kanninen, P.E. O'Qonoghue, S. T. Green, C.P. Leung,
S.Roy and O.H. Burnside
16. Axial Crack Propagation and Arrest In Pressurized Fuselage 225
M. Kosai and AS. Kobayashi
17. Structural Integrity of Aging Airplanes: A Perspective 241
J.W. Mar
1 8. A Laboratory Study of Fracture in the Presence of Lap Splice 263
Multiple Site Damage
R.A. Mayville and T. A. Warren
19. How Likely is Multiple Site Damage? 275
O. Orringer
20. Fractographic Analysis of Initiation and Growth of Fatigue 293
Cracks at Rivet Holes
R. Pelloux, A Warren and J. O'Grady
21. Results of Review of Fokker F28 "Fellowship" Maintenance 309
R. Roll, A van Dalen and A.A. Jongebreur
22. Test Facility for Evaluation of Structural Integrity of 321
Stiffened & Jointed Aircraft Curved Panels
G. Samavedam, D. Hoadley and J. Davin
23. Estimation of Requirements of Inspection Intervals for 339
Panels Susceptible to Multiple Site Damage
S. Sampath and D. Broek
24. Evaluation Methodologies Applied for Pressurized Fuselages 391
of Airbus AlC
H.-J. Schmidt
25. Experience in Specifying/Prolonging the Airframe Time 409
A.F. Selikhov, V.L. Raikher, V.G. Leibovand G.I. Nesterenko
26. Optical Methods of Stress Analysis Applied to Cracked 421
C.W. Smith
27. Repairs to Damage Tolerant Aircraft 433
T. Swift
28. Case Study and Simulation of Fatigue Damages and DTE of 485
Aging Aircraft - A Review of Researches in Japan
H. Terada and K. Ohtsuka
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