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《Modelling and Managing Airport Performance》

《Modelling and Managing Airport Performance》
Konstantinos G. Zografos
Department of Management Science,
Lancaster University Management School,
Lancaster University, UK
Giovanni Andreatta
University of Padova, Italy
Amedeo R. Odoni
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

List of Contributors xiii
Series Preface xvii
Acknowledgements xix
List of Abbreviations xxi
Introduction xxv
1 Modeling Airport Landside Performance 1
Anderson Ribeiro Correia and S. C. Wirasinghe
1.1 Motivation for Level of Service Modeling 1
1.2 Relationship between Measures of Capacity
and Level of Service 2
1.3 Airport Landside Components 3
1.3.1 Emplaning Curbside 3
1.3.2 Check-in Counter 5
1.3.3 Security Screening 7
1.3.4 Departure Lounge 8
1.3.5 Baggage Claim 10
1.4 Methodology for Deriving Quantitative Standards
for Individual Components 13
1.4.1 Introduction 13
1.4.2 The Method of Successive Categories 13
viii Contents
1.5 Degree of Importance of Landside Components and Attributes 21
1.5.1 Introduction 21
1.5.2 Selection of Components and Attributes 21
1.5.3 The AHP – Analytical Hierarchy Process 22
1.5.4 Descriptive Analysis of Passenger Responses 22
1.5.5 Degrees of Importance of Components and Their Attributes 23
1.6 Conclusions 25
References 25
2 A Decision Support System for Integrated Airport Performance
Assessment and Capacity Management 27
Konstantinos G. Zografos, Giovanni Andreatta, Michel J.A. van Eenige
and Michael A. Madas
2.1 Introduction and Objectives 27
2.2 SPADE DSS Description 29
2.2.1 Basic Modelling Concepts 29
2.2.2 High Level Structure 30
2.2.3 Suite of Use Cases 33
2.3 SPADE DSS Applications 37
2.3.1 SPADE DSS Application for Strategic Decision Making 37
2.3.2 SPADE DSS Application for Operational/Tactical
Decision Making 50
2.4 Conclusions 62
Acknowledgements 64
Notes 64
References 64
3 Measuring Air Traffic Management (ATM) Delays Related
to Airports: A Comparison between the US and Europe 67
John Gulding, David A. Knorr, Marc Rose, Philippe Enaud
and Holger P. Hegendoerfer
3.1 Introduction 67
3.2 Operations at the Main 34 US and European Airports 68
3.3 Value of Delay as a Performance Measure 70
3.3.1 On-Time/Punctuality Measures 72
3.3.2 Evolution of Scheduled Block Times 74
3.3.3 Delays by Phase of Flight 74
3.4 ATM-Related Operational Performance
at US and European Airports 76
3.4.1 Managing En-Route and Arrival Constraints
at the Departure Gate 80
3.4.2 Managing Arrival Constraints within the Last 100 NM 80
3.4.3 Managing Departure Runway Constraints – A Look
at Taxi-Out Delay 85
Contents ix
3.5 Summary and Conclusion 91
Notes 91
References 92
4 Forecasting Airport Delays 95
David K. Chin, Alius J. Meilus, Daniel Murphy,
and Prabhakar Thyagarajan
4.1 Introduction 95
4.2 Historical Example – JFK Summer 2007 95
4.3 Delay Forecasting Methodology 97
4.3.1 Projected Demand 97
4.3.2 Annual Service Volume Delay Model 99
4.3.3 NAS-Wide Delay Model 101
4.3.4 Results 110
4.4 Conclusion 116
References 116
5 Airport Operational Performance and Its Impact on Airline Cost 119
Mark Hansen and Bo Zou
5.1 Introduction 119
5.2 Quantifying Operational Performance 121
5.2.1 Arrival Delay Against Schedule and Schedule Buffer 121
5.2.2 Alternative Metrics 122
5.3 Estimating the Cost Impact of Imperfect Operational Performance 123
5.3.1 Cost Factor Approach 123
5.3.2 Aggregate Cost Approach 136
5.4 Further Issues 139
5.4.1 Cancellations 139
5.4.2 Optimal Level of Operational Performance
and System Response 140
5.5 Conclusions 141
Notes 141
References 141
6 New Methodologies for Airport Environmental Impact Analysis 145
Mark Hansen, Megan S. Ryerson and Richard F. Marchi
6.1 Introduction 145
6.2 Pollutant Overview 146
6.2.1 Noise 146
6.2.2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 150
6.2.3 Water Runoff 153
6.2.4 Criteria Air Pollutants 155
x Contents
6.3 The Future of Airport Environmental Impact Analysis 161
6.3.1 Environmental Impact Models 162
6.3.2 Environmental Impact Policy Models 164
6.4 Conclusion 166
Acknowledgements 167
References 167
7 Airport Safety Performance 171
Alfred Roelen and Henk A.P. Blom
7.1 Introduction 171
7.2 Accident Rates in Commercial Aviation 172
7.2.1 From Accident Statistics to Accident Rates 172
7.2.2 CICTT categories 175
7.2.3 Take-Off, Landing and Ground Operation
versus Other Categories 175
7.3 Analysis of Take-Off, Landing and Ground Operation Accidents 177
7.3.1 Runway Excursions 177
7.3.2 Take-Off and Landing Categories other
than Runway Excursion 179
7.3.3 Ground Operation Categories 181
7.3.4 Summary of Take-Off, Landing and Ground Operation Analysis 184
7.4 Analysis of Other CICTT Categories 186
7.4.1 Occurrence Rate per Category Grouping 186
7.4.2 Airborne Grouping Categories 188
7.4.3 Categories in the Weather Group 191
7.4.4 Categories in the Aircraft Group 191
7.4.5 Categories in the Miscellaneous Group 194
7.4.6 Categories in the Non-Aircraft Group 194
7.4.7 Summary of the Findings for the Other CICTT Categories 194
7.5 Safety Driving Mechanisms 197
7.5.1 Technological Developments 197
7.5.2 Regulation 199
7.5.3 Competition, Reputation and Balancing Objectives 200
7.5.4 Professionalism and Safety Culture 201
7.6 Safety Initiatives 202
7.6.1 Initiatives of the Flight Safety Foundation 202
7.6.2 Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) 203
7.6.3 European Action Plan for the Prevention of
Runway Incursions 204
7.6.4 FAA/Eurocontrol Action Plan 15 on Safety
Research and Development 204
7.6.5 Impact of Safety Initiatives on Safety Improvements 205
7.7 Conclusion 206
Acknowledgements 207
Notes 208
References 208
Contents xi
8 Scheduled Delay as an Indicator for Airport Scheduling Performance 211
Dennis Klingebiel, Daniel Kösters and Johannes Reichmuth
8.1 Introduction 211
8.2 Background 212
8.2.1 Airport Coordination 212
8.2.2 Performance Indicator: Scheduled Delays 214
8.2.3 Slot Utilization and Scheduled Delays 215
8.3 Definition of a Model to Predict Scheduled Delays 219
8.4 Validation of the Model Approach 221
8.5 Application of the Model Approach 225
8.5.1 Analyzing the Impact of Different Demand Profiles
on the Scheduling Performance 225
8.5.2 Analyzing the Impact of Declared Capacity Values
on the Scheduling Performance 228
8.6 Conclusion 231
References 231
9 Implementation of Airport Demand Management Strategies:
A European Perspective 233
Michael A. Madas and Konstantinos G. Zografos
9.1 Introduction 233
9.2 Current Practice 235
9.3 Review of Existing Policy Proposals 237
9.4 Is a New Regime Really Necessary? 239
9.4.1 Mismatch and Misuse 240
9.4.2 Poor Allocation Efficiency 240
9.4.3 Declared Capacity Considerations 241
9.4.4 Barriers to New Entrants 241
9.4.5 Potential Impacts 242
9.4.6 Pricing Effectiveness of Existing System 243
9.5 From Theory into Policy Practice 244
9.6 Improvement Complements to Existing Policy Practice:
Directions for Future Research 252
9.7 Conclusions 255
Acknowledgements 256
Notes 256
References 256
10 Design and Justification for Market-Based Approaches to Airport
Congestion Management: The US Experience 259
Michael O. Ball, Mark Hansen, Prem Swaroop and Bo Zou
10.1 Introduction 259
10.2 Background 260
10.2.1 Airport Operations and Slot Controls 260
xii Contents
10.2.2 Recent Public Policy Initiatives in the US 263
10.3 The Fundamental Question: Economic Justification for Slot Controls 264
10.4 Other Implications of Slot Controls 270
10.5 Design Issues for Slot Controls 273
10.5.1 Getting the Slot Level Right 273
10.5.2 Small Community Access 273
10.5.3 Where Does the Money Go? 274
10.5.4 Federal versus Local Control 274
10.5.5 Who Can Own Slots? 275
10.5.6 International Bilateral Agreements 275
10.5.7 Infrastructure Investment Incentives 275
10.6 Conclusions 275
References 276
Index 279

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