请叫我雷锋 发表于 2017-7-21 10:33:05

《Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation》第三版

《Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation》第三版
R.D. Campbell
M. Bagshaw

Preface ix
Part 1 Human Factors: Basic Concepts 1
1 Human Factors in Aviation 3
1.1 Competence and limitations 3
1.2 Becoming a competent pilot 5
1.3 Accident statistics 6
1.4 Flight safety concepts 7
Part 2 Basic Aviation Physiology and Health Maintenance 9
2 The Basics of Flight Physiology 11
2.1 The atmosphere 11
Composition 11
Altitude 12
The physical gas laws 13
2.2 The respiratory and circulation systems 15
Functional anatomy 15
The hypobaric environment 19
Hypoxia 21
Oxygen systems 26
Cabin pressurisation 27
Rapid decompression 27
Decompression sickness 28
Barotrauma 29
Hyperventilation 30
Effects of acceleration 31
2.3 The high altitude environment 33
Ozone 34
Cosmic radiation 35
Relative humidity 37
3 Man and the Environment: The Sensory System 39
3.1 The central and peripheral nervous system 39
Central nervous system 39
Peripheral nervous system 39
The autonomic nervous (vegetative) system 40
Workings of the nervous system 40
3.2 Vision 42
Functional anatomy of the eye 42
The visual field ± scanning techniques 46
Binocular and monocular vision 49
Night vision 51
3.3 Hearing 52
Functional anatomy of the ear 52
Flight related hazards to hearing 53
Effects of altitude change 54
3.4 Equilibrium 55
Functional anatomy of the vestibular system 55
Motion sickness 57
3.5 Integration of sensory inputs 60
Orientation 60
Sensory illusions and spatial disorientation 60
Vestibular illusions 61
Visual illusions 63
Approach and landing errors 64
Prevention of disorientation 67
4 Health and Hygiene 69
4.1 Personal hygiene 69
4.2 Common minor ailments 69
Colds 70
Influenza 71
Gastro-intestinal upset 71
4.3 Problem areas for pilot health 72
Hearing loss 72
Defective vision 74
Hypotension 77
Hypertension 78
Coronary artery disease 79
Obesity 80
Nutrition 81
Tropical climates and epidemic disease 83
4.4 Intoxication 86
Tobacco 86
Alcohol 87
Drugs and self-medication 90
vi Contents
Toxic hazards 93
Carbon monoxide 94
4.5 Incapacitation during flight 95
Symptoms and causes 95
Operational coping procedures 97
Flying after SCUBA diving 97
Part 3 Basic Aviation Psychology 99
5 Human Information Processing 101
5.1 Attention and vigilance 103
5.2 Perception 104
Perception illusions 105
Perceptual subjectivity 106
5.3 Memory 106
Short-term memory (sensory) 107
Long-term memory 108
Working memory 109
Motor memory (skills) 110
5.4 Response selection 110
Learning principles and techniques 110
Motivation 114
6 Human Error and Reliability 116
6.1 Reliability of human behaviour 117
6.2 Hypotheses of reality 118
6.3 Theory and model of human error 119
6.4 Error generation 119
Ergonomics 120
Economics 123
Social environment 124
7 Decision Making 125
7.1 Decision-making concepts 126
Structure phases 126
Limits 126
Risk assessment 127
Practical application of risk management 129
8 Avoiding and Managing Errors:
Cockpit Management 132
8.1 Error management 132
8.2 Safety awareness 133
Risk area awareness 133
Error proneness 134
Contents vii
Error sources 135
Situational awareness 136
8.3 Multi-crew co-ordination 136
8.4 Co-operation 138
Group dynamics 138
Leadership and management styles 140
Individual duty and role 141
Advantages and disadvantages of team work 142
8.5 Communication 142
Communication models 143
Verbal and non-verbal communication 146
Communication barriers 147
Conflict management 147
9 Personality 149
9.1 Personality and attitudes 149
Development 150
Environmental influences 151
9.2 Individual differences in personality 151
10 Human Overload and Underload 157
10.1 Arousal 157
10.2 Stress 158
Stressors 161
Stress overload 164
Anxiety and its relationship to stress 165
Effects of stress 165
Stress management 167
Coping strategies 168
10.3 Sleep and fatigue 170
Stages of sleep 171
Performance and alertness 172
Management of fatigue 174
Preventative measures 175
11 Advanced Cockpit Automation 178
11.1 Advantages and disadvantages 181
Advantages 181
Disadvantages 181
11.2 Automation complacency 183
11.3 Working concepts 184
In Conclusion 186
Bibliography 187
Index 188

**** Hidden Message *****

Ken 发表于 2017-7-21 11:26:42


璀璨星空 发表于 2017-10-30 07:11:11


jjj 发表于 2017-12-30 20:09:14

very good

sobbin11 发表于 2018-6-6 23:34:13


password@5146 发表于 2018-7-22 11:04:33


御锋 发表于 2018-8-6 09:40:53


o0o 发表于 2018-9-12 08:01:27


大猴子 发表于 2019-3-14 16:08:55


mogudeng 发表于 2020-5-22 17:11:48

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