请叫我雷锋 发表于 2017-7-7 09:39:18

《Unsteady Aerodynamics,Aeroacollstics,and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines a...

本帖最后由 请叫我雷锋 于 2017-11-7 16:32 编辑

《Unsteady Aerodynamics,Aeroacollstics,and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines and Propellers》
编辑:H.M. Atassi
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department
Fitzpatrick Hall
University of Notre Dame

Preface............................................................ v
I. Computational Methods for Unsteady Flows 1
Unsteady Aerodynamic Methods................................... 3
Joseph M. Verdon
An Innovative Algorithm for Periodic Flow Calculations Using a
Parallel Architecture-Some Applications to
Unsteady Aerodynamics ... .............. ............. ....... ...... 43
G. Carte, P. Fraunie, and P. Dussouillez
A Framework for Multi-Stage Unsteady Flow Calculations.......... 57
Michael Giles
Long Time Behavior of Unsteady Flow Computations
S.1. Hariharan
Simulation of 3D-Unsteady Internal Flows.......................... 91
Najat Benbouta, Pascal Ferrand, and Francis Leboeuf
II. Unsteady Cascade Flows 107
Time Linearized Euler Calculations for Unsteady Quasi-3D
Cascade Flows ..................................................... 109
Gerhard Kahl and Arno Klose
Unsteady Flow Field Predictions for Oscillating Cascades ........... 127
Dennis L. Huff
Compressible Flows with Vortical Disturbances Around a Cascade of
Loaded Airfoils .................................................... 149
Jisheng Fang and Hafiz M. Atassi
Development of a Steady Potential Solver for Use with Linearized
Unsteady Aerodynamic Analyses ................................... 177
Daniel Hoyniak and Joseph M. Verdon
viii Contents
Calculation of Unsteady Linearized Euler Flows in Cascades
Using Harmonically Deforming Grids ............................... 195
Kenneth C. Hall and William S. Clark
2D Linearized Harmonic Euler Flow Analysis for Flutter and
Forced Response ................................................... 213
D.G. Holmes and H.A. Chuang
Prediction of Unsteady 2D-Flow in Turbomachinery Bladings ....... 231
D. Peitsch, H.E. Gallus, and H.-P. Kau
Axial-Gap Effects on the Propagation of Unsteady Flow
in Cascades ........................................................ 251
T. Korakianitis
III. Unsteady Thansonic and Supersonic Flows 269
Unsteady Lifting Surface Theory for Supersonic
Through-Flow Fan ................................................. 271
Masanobu Namba and Toshiya Hanada
Time-Dependent Predictions and Analysis of Turbine Cascade Data
in the Transonic Flow Region ...................................... 289
A. Boles, A. Cargill, T.H. Fransson, A. Suddhoo, and K. Vogeler
Supersonic Stator-Rotor Interaction in a Turbine Stage
Gilles Billonnet
Oscillation of an Airfoil Behind a Detached Normal Shock .......... 331
S. Kaji, M. Ogawa, and H. Doi
IV. Unsteady Viscous Effects
Experimental Determination of Nonlinear Transfer Functions
Characterizing Shock Wave/Turbulent Boundary
Layer Interactions .................................................. 359
F.O. Thomas, H.C. Chu, and C.M. Putnam
Analysis of Blade Unsteady Boundary Layers and Wakes ........... 377
M. Barnett and J.M. Verdon
Active Control of Centrifugal Compressor Rotating Stall ............ 397
P.B. Lawless and S. Fleeter
Computational Investigation of Airfoil Stall Flutter ................. 415
J.D. Clarkson, J.A. Ekaterinaris, and M.F. Platzer
Contents ix
Compressor Blade Gust Response to Attached and Separated Flow
Forcing Functions .................................................. 433
Kuk H. Kim and Sanford Fleeter
v . Unsteady Flow Measurements 453
Experimental Methods and Results in Unsteady Aerodynamics
and Aeroelasticity .................................................. 455
H.E. Gallus
Three-Dimensional Unsteady Flow in a Single Stage Axial-Flow
Turbine and Compressor ........................................... 487
H.E. Gallus, C.A. Poensgen, and J. Zeschky
Reduced Frequency Effects on Gust Response Unsteady
Aerodynamics in Turbomachines ................................... 507
Steven R. Manwaring and Sanford Fleeter
The Response of a Low Solidity Symmetric Airfoil Cascade to
Compressor Wake and Linear Theory Gusts ........................ 529
Gregory H. Henderson and Sanford Fleeter
Time-Dependent Pressure Fluctuations on an Oscillating Turbine
Cascade at Transonic Off-Design Flow Conditions .................. 547
A. Bolcs, T .H. Fransson, and H. Korbii.cher
Linear Oscillating Cascade Unsteady Aerodynamic Experiments .... 567
Daniel H. Buffum and Sanford Fleeter
Experimental Investigation of the Unsteady Pressure Field on a
Vibrating Blade in Steady and Unsteady Flow ...................... 583
C.A. Poensgen and H.E. Gallus
Test Facility for Flutter Investigations with Variable Frequency
of the Vibrating Blade ............................................. 603
Th. Steer
VI. Aeroacoustics 617
Aeroacoustics in Turbomachines and Propellers-
Future Research Needs ............................................. 619
Philip R. Gliebe
Acoustic Control of Flow Instabilities ............................... 643
J .E. Ffowcs Williams
x Contents
High-Speed Helicopter Rotor Noise-Shock Waves as a Potent
Source of Sound .................................................... 655
F. Farassat, Yung-Jang Lee, H. Tadghighi, and R. Holz
Unsteady Flowfield of a Propfan at Takeoff Conditions .............. 669
M. Nallasamy and J.F. Groeneweg
Prediction of Noise Field of a Propfan at Angle of Attack ........... 685
Edmane Envia
The Application of Experimental Data to Blade Wake Interaction
Noise Prediction ................................................... 705
Stewart Glegg and William J. Devenport
Aeroacoustics of Real Blade Cascades .............................. 725
Kenneth A. Kousen and Joseph M. Verdon
High Frequency Gust Interaction with Single Loaded Airfoils in
Subsonic Flows .................................................... 743
James R. Scott and Hafiz M. Atassi
Influence of Airfoil Shape and Incidence Angle on High-Frequency
Gust Interaction Noise ............................................. 765
E.J. Kerschen, C.T. Tsai, and M.R. Myers
VII. Aeroelastic Instabilities and Control 783
A Comparison of Mistuning Effects on Flutter Between Stalled
and Unstalled Cascades ............................................ 785
Ichiro FUjimoto, Hiroshi Nagai, and Hideo Tanaka
Splitter Blades for Passive Turboma.chine Flutter Control ........... 807
Hsiao-Wei Chiang and Sanford Fleeter
A Non-Synchronous Vibration of Moving Blades Coupled with
the Bleed Chamber Resonance in an Axial Compressor ............. 829
N. Yamaguchi, T. Sato, S. Umemura, and T. Ohwaki
Aeroelasticity of Fan Blades with Complex Modes
Edmond Szechenyi
VIII. Standard Configurations for
Unsteady Flows
Panel Discussion on "Standard Configurations for Unsteady Flow
Through Vibrating Axial-Flow Turbomachine-Cascades" ............ 859
T.H. Fransson and J.M. Verdon

**** Hidden Message *****

kudzu 发表于 2017-10-19 21:42:16


璀璨星空 发表于 2017-10-22 16:21:37


cuitaoyihao 发表于 2017-11-28 23:18:56

谢谢楼主 ,非常感谢

jjj 发表于 2018-1-6 13:32:02

Good book, thanks

o0o 发表于 2018-7-27 22:30:08


御锋 发表于 2018-8-3 10:07:08


locksheedtiger 发表于 2018-8-24 14:37:12


sanheiliu 发表于 2018-11-23 10:09:25


leetring 发表于 2019-4-8 09:29:36

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