2016年新著——《未来航空通讯》(英文第二版)"Future Aeronautical Communications" ed. by Simon Plass
Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center. Second Edition
The aim of this book is to edit the ensemble of newest contributions and research results in the field of future aeronautical communications. The book gives the readers the opportunity to deepen and broaden their knowledge and problems / methods in the field of aeronautical communications: current trends are identified; IPv6 aeronautical network aspect are covered; challenges for the satellite component are illustrated; AeroMACS and LDACS as future data links are investigated and visions for aeronautical communications are formulated.
There are well-founded concerns that current air transportation systems will not be able to cope with their expected growth. Current processes, procedures and technologies in aeronautical communications do not provide the flexibility needed to meet the growing demands. Aeronautical communications is seen as a major bottleneck stressing capacity limits in air transportation.
Ongoing research projects are developing the fundamental methods, concepts and technologies for future aeronautical communications that are required to enable higher capacities in air transportation.
Part 1 Current Trends
1 SESAR and SANDRA: A Co-Operative Approach for Future Aeronautical Communications
2 Handling Transition from Legacy Aircraft Communication Services to New Ones - A Communication Service Provider's View
Part 2 Future Aeronautical Network Aspects
3 SOA-Based Aeronautical Service Integration
4 Transport Protocol for Future Aeronautics
5 Security Concepts in IPv6 Based Aeronautical Communications
6 Quality of Service Management and Interoperability
7 Interoperability Among Heterogeneous Networks for Future Aeronautical Communications
8 Design Aspects of a Testbed for an IPv6-Based Future Network for Aeronautical Safety and Non-Safety Communication
Part 3 Challenges for the Satellite Component
9 The Role of Satellite Systems in Future Aeronautical Communications
10 Development of a Broadband and Squint-Free Ku-Band Phased Array Antenna System for Airborne Satellite Communications
Part 4 Future Aeronautical Data Links
11 Future Aeronautical Communications: The Data Link Component
12 Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communications System (AeroMACS)
13 Utilizing IEEE 802.16 for Aeronautical Communications
14 The LDACS1 Link Layer Design
15 The LDACS1 Physical Layer Design
Part 5 Visions for Aeronautics
16 IFAR - The International Forum for Aviation Research
17 The Airborne Internet
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雷锋同志永垂不朽 楼主好人,好人一生平安 谢谢分享。
楼主好人,谢谢分享! thank you for your generosity ! 谢谢 感谢大神分享! 未来通讯很重要 感谢